25. Candles

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The next day Olivia woke up to an empty bed. As she realized she was alone she laid in bed for a moment with her eyes closed before getting up and heading to the shower. Afterwards she put on a swimsuit she had left behind at Checo's house and a white knitted dress on top. She let her wet hair fall on her back freely, and as she started to put on some sandals she started to hear the sound of children running and yelling nearby. Not any children either, these were very much Carlota and Checo Jr. She would recognize their little voices anywhere.

Olivia headed downstairs, the house seemed empty although there were a lot of things laying on the kitchen island that hadn't been there the night before. She heard the voices coming from outside so she headed towards the terrace. On their new wooden table was freshly cut fruit, chilaquiles, molletes, and breakfast tacos. There was also two big balloons with the number 26 and a "happy birthday" banner across the wall.

"Happy birthday Liv!" Carola was the first one to call out.

Max walked to her with a smile as soon as he saw her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Olivia hugged him back with a chuckle as Max said quietly just for her "Happy birthday Olivia, I love you". Olivia felt the calm that his hug gave her, like the pressure of his body on hers and the sound of his voice made everything else around them disappear.

Then he pulled apart to give her a small kiss, afterwards Olivia said "Thank you love, it means so much".

Max looked into her dark eyes, which were now shinning in the light of day and he hugged her one more time, then he said to her ear. "By the way your bra was still in the pool when they got here so I just threw it at the bushes, remind me to get it later".

Olivia started laughing loudly and blushing "Good save" she said before kissing him again.

"Auntie!" she heard her little niece demanding her attention, she turned around to look and knelt down to be at eye-level with the kids.

"Hi sweetie" she said brightly to both of the kids.

"The kids have a present for you" said Checo with a smile.

"Is it a hug?" said Liv opening up her arms with a smile.

"Noo it isn't" said Checo Jr. as he looked at his little sister and they both pulled from their backs two pieces of paper, two drawings made by them. Checo's drawing had Liv in it, not quite a stick figure but she still wore the usual triangle as a dress. She had a crown and there was a little boy holding what looked like a cake. On the top it said 'Happy Birthday' in spanish with childish letters. Then Carlota's was a drawing of stick figures of all of them: Checo, Carlota, all the kids, Max and Olivia. There was sand an a blue background that must have been the ocean.

Liv smiled at the drawings "Oh my god these are amazing!" she said brightly as she saw them. The kids seemed proud and excited of her reaction "You two are so talented, I love them so much!" she said as she held them close to her heart before opening up her arms once more "Now give me a hug because I'm not getting up until you hug me".

They both launched at her, almost knocking her down to the floor as they said happy birthday to her. She chuckled and held them tight, stroking their backs and feeling their little arms around her shoulders.

Then Checo walked over to her "Happy birthday Liv! I'm so glad you're here" and while he said it Olivia felt like he wasn't referring to the beach at all. He was referring to her still being here, alive. Checo hugged her tightly, glad that even though his little sister's life kept almost being taken away, she still remained here with them. Getting older and living with her family.

"I love you Chequito" she said to him, feeling his tight embrace.

"I love you too" he said kissing the side of her head before letting go, afterwards came Carola who congratulated and hugged Olivia too.

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