3. An Email

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That night at dinner, Lewis and Olivia celebrated the big news. 

"Cheers to the new member of the Perez family" said Lewis with a smile as he clinked glasses with Liv's lemonade.

She smiled brightly at him "Cheers to that". As nervous as she was about it, Olivia always knew she wanted kids of her own. She just didn't expect it to happen like this, while she is running away from the baby's father, the man she loves but who she couldn't forgive. She thought about how different things could have been if she had found out about this sooner. While she was still in Abu Dhabi with Max. She could picture Max's smile and him lifting her up in his arms. However that didn't happen, instead she was hiding on the other end of the world. 

"So are you gonna tell Max now? It's technically a Perez - Verstappen baby after all" said Lewis cautiously.

Liv took a deep breath and smiled at him "Let's not ruin tonight by talking about it" she said.

They spent a couple more days in Nairobi before heading out into the wild once more. They were riding in a jeep, being taken to their next camp. Olivia had decided to take a nap on the ride over when she was suddenly woken up by Lewis shaking her lightly. They couldn't possibly already be there, she felt like she had just closed her eyes a few minutes ago. 

She opened her eyes and looked around "Lew, what are we doing at the airport?" Liv asked confused as she looked through the car's window. 

Lewis looked at her apologetically "Liv we have to go back home" he said in a small voice "you need to see a doctor, I'm sorry".

Olivia felt her heart start racing and she felt this weight on top of her chest once again"Lewis I'm not going back to Monaco" she said looking at him straight in the eyes, she suddenly looked terrified "I can't go back right now, I'm not ready" she said urgently "If you need to go back I understand but I'm not going with you, I'll go somewhere else, I'll take another plane" she said as she started to immediately think of a plan, a place where to escape to.

"No!" said Lewis instantly as he held on to her wrist. The only thing that seemed worse than having a pregnant Liv out in the wild in Africa, was having a pregnant Liv completely off the radar. He took a deep breath and thought for a moment "Alright if you don't want to go to Monaco we can go somewhere else, but it has to be somewhere you can rest and see a doctor. Deal?"

Olivia let out a sigh of relief and she felt her body relax as she leaned her back against the seat again. She nodded "Okay, deal".

Lewis was deep in thought "I have a place in London and an apartment in Geneva, take your pick" he said with a small smile.

Liv smiled relieved "Geneva sounds more private doesn't it?".

"Then Switzerland it is" Lewis gave her a comforting smile. 


The days in Switzerland were incredibly peaceful. Roscoe joined them a day after their arrival, and Olivia finally got to meet Lewis' dog he loved so much. They would take Roscoe out on walks on the edge of the lake and it was perfect because as an english bulldog, he was quite lazy, which matched Liv's resting schedule perfectly. 

Olivia and Roscoe would take walks in the morning, naps during the afternoon, and would seat to watch old movies while she drank hot chocolate. Lewis was back in working mode, but he still made sure to spend time with Olivia every day. As much as she had loved Africa, now that she was starting to get her first pregnancy symptoms, it was nice to be somewhere she could simply pass the time resting. 

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