39. (Alternate) Epilogue

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Two years had passed since their wedding. In the meantime Max was on his way of getting his fifth world championship with Red Bull. Olivia wasn't working with Mercedes anymore, when Lewis moved to Ferrari she moved with him. So now she wore the Ferrari red and she was part of the team with Lewis and Charles. She had to admit she did love it way more than Mercedes and she was at the podium ceremonies way more often.

Max and Olivia had been leaving a great life together. They spent their free time either at their home in Monaco or their home in Vallarta. They traveled from race to race together and most importantly they had gained a sense of peace that was not there during the first year of their relationship.

Still the woke up to see the sunrise on the roofs, still Olivia drank her cold coffee, and every once in a while if they were ever alone at the beach they would still race each other in the middle of the night to skinny dip in the ocean. Their time alone was never boring.

Max realized Olivia was pregnant before she did. Although he didn't realize it immediately, it happened little by little.

"Ugh what is that?" said Olivia making a disgusted face as they strolled through the streets of Monaco and passed by a restaurant with outdoor tables.

"What?" asked Max confused looking around.

"That smell is horrible" said Liv "Ugh common let's go" she said holding his hand and starting to rush so they could get away from the smell.

On a different day he caught her crying at her phone.

"Are you okay love? What's wrong?" he asked rushing to her as he saw her cry on the couch.

"It's just so sweet" she cried as she gave him her phone and Max saw she was watching an Oreos commercial. He tried to suppress his smile as he turned to her and embraced her until she stopped crying.

His suspicions were growing little by little until he decided to test them. He got home to the apartment carrying take out boxes for their dinner. He opened the boxes on the kitchen island and the smell of chicken filled the air. Olivia walked over to the kitchen and she lasted there three seconds before he saw the look of urgency on her face and she ran away to the bathroom to throw up.

"YES!" yelled out Max in victory as he chased after her.

Olivia threw up in the toilet while Max kept her hair back and once she was able to stop and she cleaned up her mouth she was able to process. She rinsed the toothpaste from her mouth and stood in front of the sink when the realization sinked in. Suddenly she stopped and turned to Max with wide eyes. He already had a bright smile on his face.

"Am I pregnant?" she asked in shock.

"You're so pregnant!" said Max brightly with a smile he could not contain.

"Oh my god!" Olivia smiled brightly as she jumped up and down "we're having a baby!"

Max laughed as he quickly took a couple of steps towards her and lifted her up in the air. Olivia held on with her legs around his torso and her arms around his neck. In that moment all they felt was bliss... and maybe a little bit of nausea.

As the months went by Olivia's belly started to grow more and more. Max loved resting his head right next to her bump and stroking it with his hand. Sometimes he wouldn't even say anything at all, he would simply rest his head on her hip bone and close his eyes as he felt the fluttering and movement inside her belly. It was like he was taking it all in.

During one of their free weeks in Monaco they were finally able to get the sex at the doctor's office.

"We just want to know" said Liv feeling slightly nervous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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