17. Baby Watch

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That afternoon before dinner, as Max and Olivia sat by the beach she told him "We have to tell Checo" as she watched the waves rise and crash in front of her. 

Max turned to look at her "Okay sure, but what changed?" he asked.

"Carola found out, she's a little magician, very observant" said Olivia "So now Checo cannot be the only one who doesn't know".

Max nodded "Yeah of course, we should tell him then" he said "Do you want to tell him now? Or when?"

Olivia thought about it for a moment "Let's tell them at dinner, have everyone there" she said.

Max smiled brightly "I can't wait to see the face of the kids when they find out" he chuckled.

Olivia smiled back at him "At least they think we're married or I would probably get scolded by Carlota again" she laughed.

However, that same afternoon they headed over to their new beach house. They signed the final papers and the house was officially theirs. It was the perfect place. They couldn't wait to finally use it once they got some furniture in it. Max was probably hiring somebody for that, with them being on the other side of the world very soon. However they already knew that after the Miami Grand Prix they would head here. All the pieces were falling into place and they both felt blissful as they headed back to Checo's house, walking on the beach.

So once everyone was seated around the big wooden table and the food was in front of them, Max said loudly to get everyone's attention "Before we eat, there's actually some news me and Olivia wanted to tell everyone".

Olivia felt a smile immediately shine on her face.

"Did you already sign the papers for the house?" Checo asked happily.

"We just did actually" said Max with a smile "But that's not the news".

"Then what is it?" asked Checo with a confused look on his face, Carola placed her hand on his arm and then held his hand. 

Max and Olivia turned to look at each other and started laughing nervously, they held each other's hands and then Olivia turned around to look at Checo directly as everyone around the table sat expectantly "I'm pregnant" she said brightly as she started laughing nervously even more. 

Checo's mouth fell open, he was in complete shock. 

Meanwhile Carola was smiling brightly and the kids looked confused and turned to their parents, like they were waiting for an explanation.

"You, you're, you" Checo stuttered like a broken down computer. 

"Pregnant" repeated Max with a chuckle.

"We are gonna have a baby" said Liv in spanish.

The kids gasped and screamed, Checo and Carola started laughing at their shocked reactions. It finally broke Checo free from his trance, he stood up and walked over to Liv. Checo hugged her immediately and she wrapped her arms around him.

"You're gonna be a wonderful mother Liv" he said honestly as he still held her. 

Liv let out a little laugh as she felt her eyes well up with tears "Thank you Chequito, I love you"

"I love you too" he said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek before letting go of her, a couple of tears fell down her cheeks and she brushed them away. 

Max stood up next to Liv and Checo turned to him and hugged him too "Congratulations to the both of you mate".

"It means a lot coming from you Checo" Max smiled at him. 

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