5. Revelations

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Olivia quickly packed her things and as she was going down the stairs, leaving for lunch break, Max caught up with her. He had his backpack on his back and his sun chain already back around his neck "Olivia wait" he said, but Olivia kept going down the stairs. "Please let's just go to lunch" he said as he followed her down.

"No thank you" she said as she reached the ground floor.

"Common you have to eat and you have to talk to me at some point" said Max as he caught up with her.

"I do have to eat but it doesn't meant that.."

"Max! I was just waiting for you, I'm inviting you to lunch of course" said Sophia with her bright smile.

Olivia smiled pleased at Max and rose her eyebrows. "Well you two have a lovely lunch, I'll see you in an hour" said Olivia happily as she headed towards the exit.

"Oh nonsense! Come with us Liv, I want to hear everything about your trip through Africa it sounds fascinating!" said Sophia.

"Yeah, I want to hear all about it too" now it was Max who looked pleased.

Olivia shot Max a look before smiling back at Sophia "How can I say no?".


Sophia took Max and Olivia to have lunch at Sketch, "Anybody wants a glass of wine? Should we order a bottle?" she asked.

"None for me thanks, I'm doing a detox" smiled Olivia politely.

"Since when?" laughed Max.

"Since a month ago" shrugged Olivia as she avoided his eyes.

"Well that sounds like an awfully long detox, what about you Max?" said Sophia.

"I won't say no to a glass" he answered.

"We'll just get the bottle then, maybe Liv changes her mind" she ordered the bottle with the waiter and Olivia asked for sparkling water and a lemonade.

"I feel like I'm missing something with you two, where did you two meet?" asked Sophia pointing to the two of them with one finger.

"In Red Bull" said Olivia.

"Well technically we met before Red Bull, in Monaco" Max corrected her "she's my girlfriend actually".

Olivia tensed up, was she? 

Sophia's face was shocked "Are you?! Oh my god I knew you looked familiar Liv but I just thought it was because of Checo, but of course I've seen you in pictures with Max! And didn't you go viral after an interview?".

"Yeah that has happened a few times" said Olivia with a chuckle, blushing slightly. Max chuckled too remembering the last time it had happened in Italy and their united front against Alice.

"Oh god that is so sweet so Max only lets you photograph him" said Sophia.

"Apparently so" said Olivia looking at Max.

"But wait then why couldn't we got a hold of you? Were you in Africa too Max?" asked Sophia.

"No, I wasn't. How was Africa by the way?" he asked teasingly to Olivia.

"It was incredible" said Olivia with no shame "a once in a lifetime experience".

"Totally! What was it like? What did you do there?" asked Sophia.

"Well we camped and would go on safaris during the day, we went to this animal reserve for orphaned wild animals and we got to take care of them, once we hiked for two days just to find gorillas in the wild. Four days total if you count the hike back. It was all incredibly beautiful" said Olivia to Sophia.

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