🧭: 04

193 25 35

Third person

     “So... How are you feeling today?”

Hyunjin wanted to bang his head on the desk in front of him, he was sick of coming out here to hear almost the same thing, just said in different ways. But no matter how he asked the warden to skip coming out, he would always get declined. He was meant to come out every single time, to talk to her, return back to his room and do the same thing over again the next day. What was actually stopping him from doing that? Banging his head until he lost consciousness, his memory or possibly died. All three of them sounded just about right.

Wait, could he even die? Would he be regenerated back into the same day?

Just the thought alone made him grunt under his breath, and then proceeded with his intrusive thought, banging his head on the edge of the desk, repeatedly.

“Mr Hwang,” Sanghee could barely get a word out, agape as she tried stopping him by calling his name.

Which he responded to. “I hate being called that,” he looked up at her, his lips curved into a pout, blood dribbling from his new cut, down his forehead.

“Then what do you like being called?” Sanghee's breathing was shallow, she gulped, trying to compose herself.

“Sam...” Hyunjin grinned, his gaze pinned on her hand. “Where is your cast?” a warden had reported to him about her current state after she left. That her wrist was broken and needed care.

“My cast?” Sanghee was bemused.

“I broke your wrist last time, didn't I?”

“This is our first time meeting, Hwa- Sam,” The brown haired heaved in a breath. “Do you require help with your wound? We could always talk when it's all patched up.”

“Nope, I'm good,” Hyunjin leaned on the back rest, a sly smirk on his lips. His suspicions are getting even more stronger. Could death really save him? “I suppose you want me to tell you what happened on the thirtieth of may, right?” Sanghee nodded. “Get the warden to leave, and I'll tell you everything.”

That was negotiable, they wouldn't technically leave but give a safe distance, one that they would easily get to if the suspect tried anything. Once Sanghee had that cleared out, she turned to Hyunjin. “He's gone, do you wanna tell me now?”

“Um... I'm gonna need you to come closer.”

He was literally searched, right? He couldn't possibly have any weapon to harm her with. Or maybe he wanted to strangle her. These thoughts made Sanghee hesitant to approach him.

“C'mon, I don't bite,” the black haired smiled innocently, his eyes creasing into crescents.

Sanghee was now standing toe to toe with her defendant, breaths ragged and shaky. “Is this close enough?”

“It's perfect!” The black haired engulfed her smaller frame in a tight hug, his body now pressed heatedly against hers, aggressively pressing their lips in a lust-filled kiss she refused to return.

Sanghee tried pulling off when he bit on her lip, successfully breaking away but he had managed to cut her button lip open, blood slowly oozing out.

The brunette wiped the blood away, still that metallic taste didn't leave her mouth. She glared at the grinning male. “What is wrong with you?”

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What if you could teleport anywhere, where would you go first?

Anyways hi, how are you?

As always Lee (> •-•)> Will be taking your votes and comments

Thanks for reading

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