🧭: 10

159 24 12

Third person

   “Thank God you woke up, I was getting scared.”

Sanghee felt very sore, and her head throbbed constantly, a dull pressure but was still very much uncomfortable. She tried pushing herself up, but she didn't even have enough arm strength to do that, only sinking more into the soft fabric. Sanghee's dull eyes scanned the dimly lit room, it had fairy lights draping off the white curtains, the bookshelf filled with books and antics, a small coffee table with a laptop on it. Sanghee could hear the mild city life outside and see the beaming lights from the window that was left slightly ajar. It wasn't all that big but it was aesthetic and mild.

“Han?” The brunette's voice was breathy. She couldn't find the person who was talking to her.

“Yeah? How are you feeling?”

“My head hurts,” Sanghee murmured. She could now see the brunette rummaging through the shelf, his back turned to her. He was already in his PJs, a simple short and tank top, that exposed his biceps. They weren't remotely robust, but clearly showed that he had been working out.

“That's fine, it'll subside soon, okay?”

Sanghee nodded gently, her gaze averting to the laptop on the table. Its screen displayed some kind of profile, but she was too far away to decipher the words. “Do you know other people who broke out too?” her attention was once again on the brunette.

“I can't confirm or deny that,” Han clicked his tongue, agitated, now turning to her.

“What about Doctor Kim? He said something about a clock. How does one even break out?” Han still didn't answer any of her questions and that made her mad. Sanghee groaned, finally pushing herself up. She stumbled her way closer to him, her legs all wobbly, she had to hold onto things to get there. If felt like she was learning how to move again, every part of her was weak and not ready to comply with any movement.

“Whoa, slow down!” Han caught the female, who was leaning on him. “Why the hell are you so nosy, huh?”

“I need answers...” Sanghee stared into his dark eyes. “...please?”

Han sighed, regretting bringing her here. He had waited until the agency closed before taking her to his car. He could've done that earlier because it would get reset anyway, and everyone who saw would forget. But that had two down sides, it might've led to an unwanted attention at the moment and you could never tell who else was a glitch.

“Yes, Doctor Kim is also a glitch, Hyunjin, and I also think this guy I'm researching on too,” he nudged his head in the laptop's direction. “I'm trying to find where to find him. That's all I know.”

He placed Sanghee down again, huffing.

“How does one break out?”

“Goddammit! I am the journalist here, I should be asking this question, not you.”

Sanghee crossed her arms, frowning. “Do you have anger issues? And I'm an attorney, we too ask questions,” Han looked away from her, typing away on the laptop.

“How do people break out?”


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What if you could keep any mystical creature as a pet, which would you pick?

Anyways hi, how are you?

Guess, who is back from his day off
That's right Lee (> •-•)> and he will be taking your votes and comments

Thanks for reading

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