🧭: 45

115 17 26

Third Person

    “Initiating phase one of ionization.”

This wasn't the first time the scientist had said it, no it definitely wasn't the first, Sanghee wasn't even close to being the first girl trapped in the booth, with multiple tubes connected to it, all ready to pump in different kinds of gasses and elements, she wasn't the first girl to lose her life because of one miscalculation, one slip up, one negative charge or vice versa. The brunet's body leaned on the glass, breathing was the only command that it responded to, even her vision blurred, faltering.

“First we need to ionize the gasses around her, charging them with. . .” Changbin looked away from the booth, his finger pressing down a button. “. . .heat.”

The second tube quickly transmitted heat into two booths, the one Sanghee was in and the other by the left, which was more of a laid rectangle and in it was Dahuin, she wasn't dead, neither was she what you would call alive. The black haired was involved in a very brute accident, her body completely crushed beyond repair, leaving her father desperate, a lunatic in search of a way to rebuke her untimely demise.

He combed far and wide for results, but only one came in, an unfinished experiment known as devil's probe.

It was an act of draining one of life, through altering and splitting atoms, creating a negative charge so it's easier to move. But it wasn't finished yet, it never was, the team of scientists he put together had to test over and over, new and different variations, wasting lives to get that right. They were running out of time, so they hindered time, yet another unfinished and unstable experiment.

“Careful with the amount you add, there's only so much heat the human body can take,” Seungmin watched the screen intensely, noticing how Sanghee's heart rate quickened. “Only a hundred and seven point six fahrenheit and we'll be saying goodbye to dear Sanghee.”

The brown haired was in charge of getting unwilling volunteers as they call their victims, people who matched Dahuin's structure, phenotype, genotype, weight, height, almost everything, so when she's moved into her new unharmed body, she'd feel at home right away, without too much adjustments, as that would risk the healing process.

“I know that,” the scientist scoffed, reducing the heat.

“Sanghee also doesn't do well with the cold, so neutralizing it would also interfere with the effects.”

“It's not all about Sanghee, why don't you also inspect Dahuin's reaction?” Minho placed both hands behind his head, spinning a bit in his swivel chair, a bored look on his face.

“Dahuin is at rest, we should be more focused on Sanghee,” Seungmin glared at the orange haired. He wasn't really a fan of Minho, he was so unruffled by things around him, always harbouring a cold expression. “I know this more than you–” he said, bitingly.

Minho waved his hand dismissively.  “Quiet down, I wasn't competing with you,” he yawned, observing how both tubes were holding up.

The positive and negative.

Two tubes connected to both booths, the positive one carried the ionized air drawn from Sanghee, leading into Dahuin's to be neutralized. And then there's the negative, which carries the unexcited atoms from Dahuin to Sanghee.

If the experiment succeeds, and the clock is set off, Dahuin would be the healthy one in Sanghee's body and then the attorney would be in Dahuin's incompetent body, and would die the next day.

“Step two, excite the atoms.”

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Hope I explain this well enough

What if you had to choose one idol to teach you a choreo, who would you pick?

Anyways hi, how are you?

As always Lee (> •-•)> will be taking your votes and comments

Thanks for reading

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