🧭: 46

93 16 51

[ Third Person Pov: Eleven days ago]

   “This better be important, Jeongin.”

Han stormed into the manor, displeased that the silver haired had called, requesting for him to be here, when he had specifically given the order that he would only contact him if it had anything to do with Sanghee's whereabouts. He was already stressed enough to care about what the younger had going on. Han froze when he opened the door, spotting the taller on the swivel chair, his expression bland and nonchalant.

“How did he get in here?” Han quickly turned to Jeongin, demanding an answer from the younger, who was equally as confused. “Did you let him in?”

“I swear, I didn't,” Jeongin raised his hands up, not wanting Han to get the wrong impression. “He just showed up.”

“Don't yell at him, dumbass,” Hyunjin's tone was flat, as per usual whenever he would talk to Han. “I found Sanghee, right? What are the odds I can find you, too?” he leaned back on the backrest, pleased with just how much he could trigger the brunet.

Han blew his top when that dumb smirk appeared on his face. Frustrated, he grabbed the taller's shirt, dragging him away from his comfort. “I will punch that dumb smirk off your face!”

“Then do it, pussy.”

“Please, don't start a fight—”

The journalist ignored Jeongin's warning, thrusting his clenched fist hard into the ravenhead's face, his rings definitely leaving a bruise. Hyunjin stumbled from the impact, sustaining another sharp kick on his chest. The black haired crashed on Jeongin's desk, his back making hard contact with the adamantine wood.

The collision caused the desk to rattle, knocking down his books, globe and the bowl on it. The glass vase slipped from the shelf, shattering on Hyunjin's head, the shards leaving tiny cuts on his face.

The silver haired only face palmed, an exasperated sigh escaping his unamused state.

Hyunjin groaned, grimacing at how bloody his mouth tasted. “Mhm, now that's what I'm talking about,” his bursted lips stretched into a smile, his arm searching for a leverage to hold on to.

“Where is Sanghee?” Han gripped the older's hair firmly, jabbing his knee into his face, twice, patches of blood now smeared on his combats. Still seeing that ecstatic glint in Hyunjin's eyes fueled Han's rage more, pushing him to make the black haired bleed more than he already was. “I'm gonna ask you again, where is Sanghee?”

“God, Sungie, can't you see how much I'm bleeding?” Hyunjin pressed the back of his hand on his bloody nostrils, trying to stop the dribbling blood. His voice was beyond strained, more guttural and his eyes welled his tears, his nose and lip throbbed hard, an uncomfortable pressure that made his head spiral. Being hit on the diaphragm had already caused him breathing problems, his chest heaving rapidly and a choke breath barely making it past his bleeding lips. “Have you no heart?” he looked up at the younger, grinning, his pearly whites now tinted with red.

“Really? I don't see enough of your blood on the ground,” Han crutched down, looking into the older's eyes. “And I plan on flooding this room.”

“He's here to talk about, Sanghee,” Jeongin finally interrupted, disappointment dripping off his tone. “He knows where she is.”

“Of course he does. . .” Han quickly whipped his attention to the younger, the voice hoarse with rage. Jeongin took a step back, not really wanting to be close to him right now. “. . .he abducted her, fucking nitwit, he probably have her tied up somewhere, tortured to the brink of death.”

“Sanggie is very much alive, dipshit,” Hyunjin pressed his hand on the ground, pushing himself up, the shattered glass peering into his palm. “Thinking she just has to donate a kidney or something, poor thing.”

“Is Seungmin behind this?” Jeongin leaned into the conversation, shrugging off Han, who watched the black haired with skeptical eyes, finding what he said hard to believe.

Hyunjin threw his head back, trying to get the blood to stop oozing out. “Nah, he's just paid to be a part of it, and I'm placed under watch, you know?” while his other hand tried pulling the glass out. “Goddammit, I'm a mess—”

“Hyung acts like an ass sometimes,” Jeongin scoffed, using his shirt to wipe off some blood away from his face.

“Are you being honest?” Han gave Hyunjin a pointed look.

“Yeah, Yeah, and I can't do anything to stop them, I'll be instantly. . ." The black haired girl ran his finger across his neck. “That's why I've been trying to get to your bipolar ass. I can't do anything other than delay, which for your information is pissing everyone off.”

The journalist scrawled at being called bipolar, his nails digging into his palm, the more he tried not to act up again. “Do not call me that,” he breathed out calmly.

“At least I didn't say the P word,” Hyunjin chuckled. “Which are you anyways?”

“Please, don't trigger him.”

Han groaned, he didn't really want to talk about his mental health at the moment, he just knew he wasn't a psychopath, and only acts a little weird sometimes. He was actually bipolar, but didn't like to be addressed that way, too. “So where is Sanghee now?”

“Elite labs, you should probably get Felix too, he knows a lot about what goes on in there,” Both Han and Jeongin shot him confused looks. “Let's just say he's friends with a scientist there, he actually helped you guys escape.”

“Okay, so?” Han crossed his arms, glaring at Hyunjin.

“Jeez, quit being grouchy, you rodent, you look fluffy when you're mad.”

--------------• ° -🤍- ° •---------------

We like to sing and dance to
the musica OLE

What if you were being chased by a goose, who would you call to help?

Anyways hi, how are you?

As always Lee (> •-•)> will be taking your votes and comments

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12 ⏰

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