🧭: 37

112 19 36

Third person

   "Jagiya, I'm sorry. Please, stop being mad at me."

Han looked away from Sanghee's wrapped up wrist, smiling at the grim brown haired. She had been unresponsive for the past two days, refusing to say a word, which she didn't plan to. After being locked up for a whole day, she made a conscious reminder to never speak to him. Was that even possible? She couldn't care less, who knows what trick he might pull next.

"Would you be happy if we go for a walk?" That seemed to gain Sanghee's attention. She looked at him, a bit surprised at first, before reverting back to scrawling.

"I'm not a dog, Han," Well, there goes her two day streak of being silent. "You can't make me excited by promising a mere walk," She huffed, her arms crossed.

"We could drive to the city?"

"Don't fuck with me, Han."

"I'm serious, we could drive out early tomorrow and spend the whole day doing fun things out there," The taller grinned, placing both hands beside her, leaning closer to press a soft kiss on her cheek. "And then come back early before the clock resets. Do you like that?"

Han's gaze averted from her uncertain eyes to her pouty lips, his breathing soft against her skin, the more he inched towards her flushed face, the more breathless Sanghee felt, like she could out any minute. The thumping in her chest rapidly induced.

Just as the silence got thicker, Han whispered airily. "Can I kiss you?" voice low and drawled.

"Maybe..." The brown haired murmured, eyes lidded. She felt his lips brushed against hers, making the shorter tingle with excitement, a rush she never expected.

Warmth thrived in Sanghee's chest, sparks kindled as Han leaned in close, lips pillowy against hers, tentatively, for the second time. The smell of his cologne, strawberry scent of her conditioner, both dizzying, butterflies waltzing in her stomach and heat consumed her as she leaned into the kiss, Han's lips impossibly soft against her own.

Her fingers fumbled with his shirt placket, tugging the brown haired closer, her eyes fluttering shut.

What started off slow, soon turned heated, Han now hovering above Sanghee's smaller frame, their lips smacking in wet, uncontrollable kisses, moving in wild rhythms, merging in harmony with the low moans and groans escaping both their ecstatic state. A symphony composed by lust.

Sanghee's small hands roamed his body, taking off his button up, exposing the taller's shirt. Han pulled away, lips still ghosting hers, breaths ragged. "Speak up when you want me to stop, okay?" he panted, brushing away stray strands from her sweaty forehead.

The brunette nodded, turning into a mess when Han trailed desperate kisses down her neck, his arousal pressed against her throbbing core. It felt so fantastic, she couldn't help the pathetic whimpers leaving her parted lips. The air felt hotter, making her heave heavier breaths every bite Han prod into her skin. Pleasure flowed through her, and her thoughts clouded by ecstasy.

"Do you want me to stop?" he murmured on her skin, eyes hooded with salacity.

Sanghee shook her head, weaving her fingers into his fluffy hair. "No, please.”

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I'm a good child, I promise 👀🤧

What if you could never sleep again without any consequences, what would you do with all those free time?

Anyways hi, how are you?

As always Lee (> •-•)> will be taking your votes and comments

Thanks for reading

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