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June 27 2004

„Man where the fuck could she be?" proof said
„I don't know, but she's not hom.. I KNOW WHERE SHE IS!" I said
„the other days she told me that she talked to her grandma and that she might go to South Africa she asked if we all wanna go too."
„Damn.. South Africa?" bizarre said
„Go pack your bags where going to Africa man." I said
I texted her more then I ever thought i will. I called her more then i will ever call a woman. I don't want her to go from my house and to not even say goodbye to me. I fucking like this woman so fucking much but sometimes im a peace of shit and I fucked up things. I'm so happy that I know where she is. But still I won't go away until I don't see her. I wanna see her I need to talk to her.
But first I'll have to call spooky and tell him to give me the address of his grandmother.
I'm still in the flight I'll land in 3 hours. The flight is fucking long. This is literally the only thing I don't like to go to South Africa because of the flight. 17 hours is fucking killing me. I feel all good, I'm just sad. I don't really know why I'm so sad that the things between me and Marshall are not good. I mean of course now he has a girlfriend why would he even look after me but still I thought.. I thought he might care about me.
Anyway I should just forget about him. Soon I'll see my grandma and I'll stay there with her. I won't come back to his house.
"17 HOURS? Are you out of your mind Marshall?" Paul said
"What 17 Hours?" Bizarre said
"The flight goes 17 hours." I said
"What the fuck man? Are you crazy?" Bizarre said
"Ey man if you guys don't wanna come then don't. I'll go alone." I said and got in the jet
"Yo dawg, we're coming with you." Proof said
"Then get in the fucking plane." I said
Yeah, 17 fucking hours. I know it's a fucking long ass flight but what can I do? At least I'll see her soon.
Spooky told me he will talk to his cousins from there and they will pick us up. I told him about Tyla and he said he won't say nothing to his father but I'm sure Tyla already talked to him. Well what the fuck should I do if she's so fucking stubborn? It's not my fault that she always understands the things wrong.
Fuck it, I'll just relax and hopefully this flight will be over soon as possible because I wanna see her. Im going crazy if I won't see her.
"Yo, you alright dawg?" Proof asked
"Man, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. I feel like I'm going crazy if I don't have her around me. I feel like I can't even do something right if she's not here. And fuck.. i know we don't know each other since a long time but I fucking can't be without her. I need to be around her. I need to see her face to smell her entire perfume in the house."
"Your in love man, that's what's wrong."
"Man I can't be in love. That's impossible. I just like her."
"You high or something? Do even hear yourself the way you talk? "I need to smell her perfume." That's fucking more then just like. You weren't like this not even with Kim. Not even with the other girls. Your in love dawg, and if fine man. She's a cool woman. She's intelligent loyal, beautiful. I understand you. But you need to think about it man. You can't play like this with her. You can't be like today I want you and tomorrow you ignore you. That doesn't work like that man. When we get there talk to her. Tell her how you feel, and be honest don't play any games. This girls is good for you."
"Thanks man. I think you right, i never thought that I'll find a girl like this. Getting use to all those fake bitches and once you find the right one you think she's like the other ones. If I have to kill someone so she could love me back and trust me I'll do it."
"That's what I'm talking about dawg. You got this."
Proof is right, im in love with Tyla. And not just normal love like the first time when you fall in love. The fucking big ass love, I don't even know how to feel explain because I never felt like this for a woman. Not even with Kim. Kim is the mother of my baby and I loved that bitch but still I never loved her the way I love Tyla now. It's like something I never been thru. Is so fucking difficult because I want Tyla to love me back. I want her to trust me. I know at the beginning I said some dump shit but that's because im a idiot. Once I see I start to like someone I'm getting all insecure and scared because I don't want them to play with me. And that's what I did with Tyla too. I knew I was falling for her from the first time I was with her out at McDonald's. And then when I first saw her in the morning the first time when I meet her. But I didn't want to believe that. Now that I'm thinking better about it, im fucking crazy after her.
Being in this flight is fucking boring. I just wanna be at my grandmas house.
I don't know if I'm allowed to this, but fuck it I'll cheek my messages.
From Marshall: Tyla pick up the phone and come the fuck back!
From Marshall: I know your mad but I swear to god I'm not with that bitch together. Just come home please.
From Marshall: I swear to god Tyla you drive me fucking nuts. You can't just leave like that.
From Marshall: Ty please.. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything but I don't want you to be out there alone. Please tell me where you are baby. I swear to god there is nothing between me and that bitch. I swear.
Omg.. he fucking looked after me.
Fuck im so fucking dump.. NAH wait a goddamn minute.
Nah uh, he won't play this fucking games with me. Fuck no.

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