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Oh god please don't do this to me..
I tried to ignore the fact that Marshall was behind me.
I tried to ignore the fact that he's seeing me trying to ignore him.
I just walked to my car without to turn around. Praying to god he's not there anymore.
"Tyla please listen to me.." I heard him saying
Keep walking Tyla.. just fucking keep walking.
"Tyla I'm talking to you. Please just listen." He grabbed my arm
"People are watching Marshall."
"I don't give a fuck about the people."
"But I do. Now leave me alone."
"Nah.. fuck no. I didn't spent month, days, WEEKS. Fucking MONTHS TYLA. To find you so I can see this face again so I can make you understand that I'm sorry for that I did. And that I regret for not being there for you. I've been waiting for this moment to see you again. And you want me to leave you alone?"
"I want you to leave me alone! I don't want to ever see you in my fucking life. You promised something but you didn't keep it. You made me love you more then I love myself. You made me feel FUCKING SAFE AROUND YOU! I trusted you my family, my body, my feelings, my love.. EVERYTHING! And you fucking made a promise that you couldn't keep it. And now you regret what you did? You can keep that shit to yourself Marshall, I don't ever want to be around you or even in the same room with you."
"No! FUCK YOU MARSHALL! You talking about how crazy Kim is in all of your songs, but you don't look at yourself. Look at you! Your a man whore! That's what you are. You think your a men just because you fuck those bitches? Your nothing Marshall. Those bitches and your character is the reason why you'll never found a right woman. Why? Because whenever you get the right one, you don't know how to treat her. And then you talk shit about her like she's the one that did you wrong and not you her. Grow the fuck up Marshall, please..  Not just for you and your future but for your girl. You got a beautiful daughter. You need to be a example for her she needs to learn from you."
"That's why I'm here.. im sorry Tyla. Im fucking sorry Baby.. please just.. just give me one last chance.. please."
"You had your chance Marshall. But you choose other woman's not me."
"Tyla please.. im a asshole, im a stupid fuck, im everything you said. I swear to god your right. I just need you on my side Tyla. I know I made a promise, I know I did a mistake, i know I had to be there for you when you needed me but I've learned from my mistakes baby. I swear to god I've learned. I need you Tyla, I can't not sleep without you, I need you on my side.. please let's make this work.."
"There is the problem Marshall. I've never asked you or told you to be for me there. I was hoping you'll be.. because if you maybe don't remember your the one that didn't told me my father is dead. I didn't want you to be on my side. I wanted you to love me, to respect me and to support me. But you didn't do anything from this. Everything what you wanted to do was to fuck me and make promises that you couldn't keep." I said and opened my car
"Don't some that Tyla please don't do this." Marshall said as he walked near to the car
"Stay out of my business Marshall. And now leave me the fuck alone."
"I won't leave you alone. Now that I know where I can find you.. not even god can't make me stop. But you go girl.. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Listen to me you crazy fuck. Your going to leave me the fuck alone. Your not going to come near me or Ayisha not over my dead body."
"I'll get you back Ty.. you'll see baby." He said and kissed my neck
"Fuck you asshole."
Why the fuck am I even still here?
The fuck is wrong with me?
I started the car and drove away, I just wanna go home now.
I have enough of all this shit and him.
I'll get her back. I'll do anything to get her back. I need to prove her that I'm sorry and that I don't want to lose her forever.
She'll be mine if she wants or not.
And Jesus Christ she made me hard when she was so close to me. Fuck that woman is something else..
As I got home finally I went directly in bed. I just want to forget about what happened tonight. If is like this, Ayisha and I are going to move out from here in a bigger house somewhere, where is safe for the boy.
Cause I ain't gonna leave her alone in this hood. And plus I'll not live here knowing that Marshall won't leave me alone.
But you know what.. let him beg and cry like a dog.
I ain't the one who cheated he's the one that did. It's not my loss is his loss.
Fuck that motherfucker, he made me so fucking angry.

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