~Chapter 10~

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Make sure you're on the right chapter!! I think wattpad glitched again💔

Alina focuses intently on stirring the potion in her cauldron, watching the liquid gradually shift to the precise hue it needs to be.

James is supposed to be assisting her, but he is currently engaged in a conversation with Professor Slughorn.

Adding a few more petals, she stirs carefully, the potion's color deepening.

She loves making potions. It is fun, especially since she often discovers secret techniques for the best results. Maybe she does love two things: pomegranates and potions.

And that is it.

Alina carefully snuffs out the fire to let the potion cool, then goes to sit back down.

"Miss Nightshade," Professor Slughorn calls her name.

Alina looks up to see James Potter standing beside Slughorn, trying to hide an eye roll.

Oh Merlin.

She rises slowly and walks over to the desk.

"Sir?" she asks, standing next to James with her hands behind her back.

Professor Slughorn adjusts his jacket and clears his throat. "It seems Mr. Potter is struggling a bit with potions. I was hoping you could tutor him?" He tilts his head slightly.

She is going to murder everyone here.

Tutoring James Potter? A nightmare. Worse than any vision she's ever had.

"I'm sure there are other students who could do it—"

The professor cuts her off. "But you're the best in your year," he says with a small smile.

Alina clenches her fists. "Fine, I'll do it," she says tersely, turning and walking back to her desk.

This is stupid. So fucking stupid.

It is going to be terrible.

James talks with the professor for another moment before he walks over and sits beside her.

"Meet me in the library tonight at six," Alina mutters. "We'll start with the basics to see where you're at."

James only nods. It seems he doesn't want to be tutored either, especially not by her.

She really doesn't care.

All she needs to do is tutor him enough to pass their next big potions assignment.

Hopefully, he will learn quickly.


"No, Barty," Alina rolls her eyes. "Now leave, I have to help Potter."

Barty glares at her. "Just... don't do it. What's the worst that could happen?"

Alina gives him a pointed look. "Leave, Barty. I'll come back to the common room soon."

"Fine," Barty drags the word out with a long sigh. "Bye, Lia."

He gets up from the library seat and quickly leaves the small section they are in.

Alina barely has a moment to herself.

"Lia," James repeats with a smirk as he sits down in Barty's vacated seat, a bit too close for comfort. "That's cute."

"I will cut out your tongue," Alina snaps, moving her chair away from James.

James flinches back in mock shock, his eyes widening. His hair is messy as usual, but his glasses are surprisingly straight, though his tie hangs loosely around his neck.

"So threatening, sunshine," James smirks at her.

She feels a strange sensation in her stomach at his expression. Is she getting sick?

Alina glares at him before turning to face the table, opening one of the many potion textbooks they have.

"I'm quizzing you first to see what level you're on," she says. James nods but fiddles with his hands, full of restless energy.

"What do you need to add to Polyjuice Potion to take the form of another person?" Alina tilts her head slightly as she asks.

"Uh," James narrows his eyes. "Something from the person, like their hair?"

Alina nods slightly, satisfied with his response.

She continues with mostly basic questions before moving on to more complex ones, focusing on the critical ingredients that potions require to be effective.

"Which is the most important ingredient in the Draught of Living Death?" Alina asks.

James blinks. "Lacewing flies?" he guesses, raising his brows.

"Powdered root of asphodel," Alina corrects, flipping to the next page to find another question.

"I guess I have to rely on you to teach me, huh?" James smirks, leaning on his hand and staring at her.

"Putain d'idiot,"(Fucking Idiot) Alina mutters under her breath.

James' eyes widen. "What language is that?"

"French," Alina replies curtly.

James leans a bit closer. "How many languages do you speak?"

"Three, including English and French." Alina flips the page in the potions textbook.

"What other language do you speak?"

"German." That and French are the only two languages she speaks fluently, though her mother has arranged tutors for her to learn Russian.

"I only know a bit of French," James says. "But that's because of Sirius."

"Interesting," Alina replies in a blank tone, her eyes scanning the page.

"Your eyes are pretty," James suddenly says, breaking the silence.

Alina freezes.

She actually freezes.

James flushes slightly but doesn't take back his statement.

Suddenly, she becomes very aware of how she blinks and where she looks.

Your eyes are pretty.

No one has ever said such a thing to her, and suddenly she doesn't know what to do with her hands.

Alina clears her throat slightly.

"Meet me here in three days, at the same time as today. I'll help you again," she forces the words out as she quickly packs up her things.

For once in his life, James doesn't say anything.

Alina leaves the library in a hurry.

Your eyes are pretty.

Why is it repeating over and over in her mind? And why does her stomach feel weird again?

Maybe she is sick.

It could be possible.

James Potter is quite confusing.

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