~Chapter 30~

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Make sure you're on the right chapter!! I think wattpad glitched again💔

"In our common room?" Alina asks Barty, her voice tinged with irritation. It is Halloween, and the Great Hall has been extravagantly decorated that morning, setting the perfect eerie atmosphere.

Unfortunately, the Halloween party will be held in their common room instead.

"Yes," Barty confirms, adding, "Sorry, Lia."

Alina lets out an annoyed sigh. She actually enjoys Halloween, especially scaring children. What she doesn't enjoy is parties.

What she dislikes even more is James Potter and his friends, who are currently setting off fireworks while Professor McGonagall tries to stop them.

A small smirk tugs at her lips as she watches James Potter being chased by McGonagall. She wishes they wouldn't be at the party, but she knows there is no chance they will miss it.

"I need to get to class," Alina says, grabbing her bag before standing up. "See you later."


Alina is at the party in her common room, not actually partying, but setting up small tricks. She places very realistic-looking fake insects in the food bowl on a table in the corner and enchants singing broomsticks to belt out the most annoying songs, thankfully only audible to the person the broomstick is following.

She delights in messing with people. Though she might not express it outwardly, Alina is... happy, happy with the fact that she is driving everyone at the party insane.

Now, she is charming a few people to hear phantom footsteps behind them—a minor trick, but one that makes them glance over their shoulders every couple of minutes.

Alina moves to one of the corners, her eyes narrowed as she considers her next prank. Perhaps some disappearing food? It would be quite funny to watch people be shocked as their food and drinks vanish.

A small smirk threatens her lips. She is about to step forward to cast the charm when a cold liquid suddenly drenches her.

Alina gasps sharply as the cold liquid falls on everyone, the party echoing with shocked exclamations. She looks down at her arms, which are covered in red liquid.


Her brows furrow as she looks up and sees empty buckets on the ceiling, now tipped upside down, with small stains left in them from the red liquid.

How did they get this much blood?

Her hands and whole body are soaked. Even her hair is dripping with it. Alina brings a hand to her face and realizes it isn't blood, just dyed water.

James Potter and his friends did this. That much is obvious.

Alina lets out an annoyed breath, her eyes scanning the party for the group of boys. The liquid feels sticky on her skin.

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