~Chapter 12~

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Make sure you're on the right chapter!! I think wattpad glitched again💔

"Its moonstone," Alina corrects James.

James sighs, pushing his glasses up to rub his eyes. Alina is tutoring him again, but he isn't focusing.

Alina notices his knee bouncing up and down. "Do you have somewhere else to be?" she asks, raising an eyebrow at the brown-haired boy.

He freezes, looking caught. "Sort of, yeah," he admits, his voice tinged with nerves.

Her eyes narrow slightly. Then she remembers what Barty mentioned earlier: a party in the Gryffindor common room.

Alina digs her nails into her palm under the table. "Go then. I'm sure a party is great for your reputation. We'll study next week," she says, slamming the book shut.

"Wait—" James seems upset. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean—"

"I don't care, Potter." Alina shoves the book into her bag. Truthfully, she doesn't. James seems more concerned with everyone else's opinions. He opens his mouth to say something, his wide puppy eyes staring at her from behind his glasses, but she is already leaving.

Alina won't be going to that party.


Alina debates whether to go to the party.

It isn't really her scene, but Barty isn't back yet, and it is getting late.

She hates to admit she is worrying. No one will look after him at the party—maybe Evan, his friend, but Evan is not responsible, and Regulus didn't go.

"Alina?" Regulus' voice breaks the silence of the dim Slytherin common room.

Alina turns to see Regulus stumble down the last step before straightening up. "Barty's not back yet," she says. "I'm going to get him."

Instantly, Regulus looks worried. His eyes betray his concern. Regulus is a quiet, cold boy, but his eyes always give him away. Alina rarely has visions about him, except for one—a quick flash of water coming for him as he pants in exhaustion.

She thinks she should have taught him how to swim, but she doesn't know how herself.

Regulus sits down on one of the velvet seats. "I'll be back," Alina says, forcing herself to leave, resisting the urge to tap on the wall beside the door three times.

At least she doesn't have to hide while walking down the halls. That is a benefit.

Alina walks quickly to the Gryffindor common room, reminding herself there is probably nothing wrong with Barty. He might have just gotten caught up. Despite her pretending to feel nothing and hating everyone and everything, Barty is her friend. A close friend she has grown up with.

There is always a constant worry for him in the back of her mind.

She remembers the times he snuck her food during their parents' meetings, how he'd sneak so much into the house and immediately give it to her. Alina remembers how thankful she felt, how she had hugged Barty tightly despite her aversion to physical touch. So tight he had complained about her breaking a rib.

Alina snaps out of her thoughts as she reaches the Gryffindor common room entrance. She doesn't know the password.

The painting is of a knight in some type of armor.

Alina takes a few steps forward and watches as the painting swings open, a few students stumbling out, the music growing louder.

Quickly, she walks forward and sneaks into the common room before the door shuts.

This is the first time she has been in the Gryffindor common room.

The room is circular, decorated in red and gold, with windows displaying the darkened grounds of Hogwarts. Comfortable armchairs and sofas are clustered near a fireplace.

The music is loud, some muggle band blaring through the room. Students are dancing, and the stench of alcohol permeates the air. Mostly sixth and seventh years are present.

Barty is only here to disappoint his father further.

Her eyes scan the party as she stays near the entrance to avoid being bumped.

For some reason, her gaze lands on a red-haired girl, Lily, with her friends Marlene and Mary. Lily has her head thrown back in laughter, sitting next to Mary, who is looking at her with a soft smile. Marlene is taking a sip of her drink, trying to stifle a laugh.

They seem happy.

Alina quickly looks away, ignoring whatever emotion tries to claw its way out of the box she has shoved it into.

"Sunshine!" James Potter is suddenly beside her. "Can't believe you're here," he says with a bright smile. His skin is flushed, a bit of sweat on his brow, his hair messy and glasses askew.

"I'm only here to get Barty," Alina replies, snapping out of her thoughts.

"You sure you aren't just here to see me?" He raises his brows, his smile widening teasingly.

Alina can't help but roll her eyes. "In your dreams, Potter."

James laughs, his teeth showing in a wide grin. "How did you get in here anyway?" he asks, turning a bit more towards her. "Did someone tell you the password?"

"No, people were leaving, so I snuck in before the door closed," Alina says, glancing away and continuing to search for Barty.

She wonders why James is still near her.

"Stop bothering the poor girl, Prongs," Sirius Black's voice comes from behind James as he steps up beside him, smirking brightly with his long black hair messy.

"I'm not bothering her!" James defends, turning to Sirius.

"Sure," Sirius playfully rolls his eyes.

Alina shoots a glance at both of them before resuming her search for Barty. Her eyes scan each person in the room.

Finally, she spots him in the middle of a group of people.

"Goodbye," she says curtly to James and Sirius before walking into the crowd to reach Barty.

She tries to ignore the constant brushing of people against her. She hates parties, hates teenagers, hates Gryffindors.

"Lia!" Barty is suddenly in front of her. "What's wrong?" he asks, knowing she wouldn't attend a party without a reason.

"Regulus is worried," she lies. "He wanted me to find you."

"Oh," Barty sighs, his posture relaxing. "I'll come with you. Let me get Evan."

He quickly turns and walks away to get Evan.

Alina lets out an annoyed sigh, digging her nails into her palm as she tries to escape the crowd to wait for the boys.

Eventually, Barty returns with Evan in tow, and all three begin making their way to the entrance.

Alina can't help but notice James Potter continuing to watch her as they leave.

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