~Chapter 5~

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Alina sits near the back of the class, the seat next to her conspicuously empty

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Alina sits near the back of the class, the seat next to her conspicuously empty.

She silently hopes it will stay that way. She just wants to get the assignment done and over with. Alina is already exhausted.

"Is... is it alright if I sit here?" A nervous, almost inaudible voice asks beside her.

Alina turns, her expression hardening. Peter Pettigrew stands there, his wide brown eyes filled with uncertainty, as if ready to flee.

"Yes," she says curtly. It is the only open seat in the room. Besides, Peter hasn't done anything to her. And, if she is honest, making nervous boys even more uncomfortable is amusing.

"Thank you," he murmurs, his voice relaxing slightly though his hands still tremble as he places a book on the table.

Alina doesn't respond, focusing instead on the desk. She has wiped it down, yet it still feels dirty. Or maybe it is her soul that feels unclean. She pushes the thought away; now isn't the time.

"So," Peter's nervous voice breaks the silence again. "Um, how are you?" He forces a weak smile.

She cocks her head, eyes narrowing. "Why are you talking to me?"

Peter's eyes dart back to his desk. "Prongs—I mean, James mentioned you had detention together and, um, he wants to apologize."

"Do you speak for him now?" Alina raises an eyebrow.

"Oh no! Just, um... forget I said anything."

Alina feels a twinge of guilt at seeing how nervous he is, but she quickly pushes it aside, rolling her eyes as she turns back to her work. When the class ends, she quickly gathers her things and leaves the room, heading to her next class.


Alina rolls her eyes again. What the fuck is wrong with James Potter?

"I know you can hear me!" James's voice echoes through the hall, causing a few students to pause and look.

"I don't care, Potter. Leave me alone!" Alina snaps, glaring over her shoulder.

Why is he still seeking her out? Something has to be wrong with him.

James continues running towards her, determined. Alina turns around just as James stumbles into her.

"Can you not grasp the concept of leaving people alone?" Alina stares up at James Potter, whose wide eyes blink behind his glasses.

She glares intensely, waiting for him to say something.

"I, um..." James stammers, which is strange. He never stumbles over his words.

Then he blinks, his usual smirk forming. "I just wanted to apologize, sunshine," he says brightly. "For getting you detention."

Her eyes narrow. "That's great, Potter. I really hope that helped you." Alina turns and continues walking.

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