~Chapter 42~

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The castle feels hollow

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The castle feels hollow. Alina supposes it is, with most students off enjoying the holidays with their families.

She wonders what that's like.

Gathered around a Christmas tree, unwrapping gifts, sharing smiles and warm embraces.

It sounds like a nightmare—or so Alina tells herself. She has a habit of convincing herself of such things, that being alone is better, that her parents' disdain is normal.

A knock on her dorm door pulls her from her thoughts.

Alina's gaze shifts from the ceiling to the door. She lies flat on her bed, staring blankly at the stone above her.

Another knock.

"I know you're in there, Lia!" Barty's voice is muffled but unmistakable.

She rolls her eyes, sitting up with a sigh. Swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, she stands and makes her way to the door. She opens the first door before gently pushing the painting aside.

Barty stands there, hands on his hips, head tilted in that familiar, playful way.

"What do you want?" Alina asks, her tone flat.

"Christmas walk," Barty says with a grin.

It's their tradition, a walk they take every holiday break. They talk about everything and nothing, letting the crisp air and snow-covered grounds surround them.

Alina's eyes narrow slightly. Barty is already bundled up in warm clothes, the kind that looks cozy enough to ward off the harshest cold. She notices the scarf around his neck—it's Regulus's.

"Give me a minute," is all she says before closing the painting on him and stepping back into her dorm.

Her blonde hair falls over her shoulders as she quickly rummages through her trunk for warmer clothes. She pulls on fleece-lined tights, slips into dark jeans, and layers up with a thick sweater. A jacket follows, along with a pair of sturdy boots.

When she returns to the door, Barty is still there, fidgeting with the scarf that isn't his.

"Let's go," Alina says, stepping out. Barty takes a step back to give her space as she swiftly shuts her door, then the painting in front of it. The common room is deserted.

Barty leads the way, and Alina falls into step beside him. The castle is eerily quiet, the sound of their footsteps echoing through the empty halls as they make their way to the courtyard.

Christmas decorations line the corridors, trees adorned with lights and ornaments stand in nearly every hallway.

It's all a bit too much for her liking.

Barty, usually so talkative, seems uncharacteristically quiet, his usual playful energy subdued.

They eventually reach the doors leading outside to the courtyard. Barty holds one open for her, and she steps out first.

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