~Chapter 3~

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Alina keeps her footsteps light as she makes her way to her first class of the day

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Alina keeps her footsteps light as she makes her way to her first class of the day. She tucked a dark green headband into her short hair and wears a black skirt, tights, and the usual white shirt with a Slytherin tie.

Her first class is Transfiguration. She has already received her schedule from Professor Slughorn.

The corridors of Hogwarts buzz with the sounds of students heading to their first day of classes. Eventually, Alina reaches the Transfiguration classroom. The students already inside are standing, likely waiting for assigned seating.

Alina positions herself on one side of the room and waits. Her face is as blank as ever, causing the other students to instinctively distance themselves from her.

In her first year, she had the chance to make friends—until the night she began screaming. That ruined everything.

Not that it matters. She only wants to finish her time at Hogwarts. Friends would only hold her back and distract her.

The door to the classroom opens again. James Potter walks in, laughing as Sirius Black speaks to him.

How is he so happy all the time?

Certain questions bug her, repeating over and over.

Alina quickly taps on her ring—once, twice, three times.

Professor McGonagall enters the room and quickly shushes the two boys with a small, fond smile.

"In this class, we start a year-long project," McGonagall begins, slowly walking between the desks. "You will be assigned a partner." A few groans erupt from the crowd.

Alina feels the same way. Partners in class are a nuisance. She knows she is smarter than most of her peers and usually ends up carrying the workload.

Despite the groans, McGonagall continues. "You will conduct extensive research on specific areas of Transfiguration, starting with a research paper with your partner." She gives a stern look around the room. "No complaining. You will receive a list of tasks to complete throughout the year, along with their due dates." She makes her way back to the front of the class. "You will be seated with your assigned partner."

Then she begins calling out names.

Alina only hopes she won't be paired with someone completely incompetent. Her eyes stare blankly as she waits for her name.

"Alina Nightshade and James Potter."

For fuck's sake.

Alina can't hide her eye roll as she walks to one of the desks near the front and sits down. James joins her a second later, his glasses slightly askew, his tie crooked, and his hair messy.

"Hi," James greets her with a bright smile.

She turns to face forward without responding.

McGonagall passes out the list of tasks they need to complete and their deadlines. The research paper isn't due for a while, and they need to choose a topic.

"So," James adjusts his glasses, "what topic do you want to do?" His leg bounces rapidly, as if he struggles to sit still.

Alina takes a deep breath before speaking. "We could do advanced human transfiguration and its risks, the role of transfiguration in combat, or animagus transformation and its complexities."

James' eyes widen slightly. "I think that's the most I've ever heard you speak."

She glares at him.

James laughs. "The animagus one is fine with me. I happen to know a lot about the topic," he adds, smiling as if sharing an inside joke.

Alina arches her brow. "I'll write the research paper," she says curtly.

James looks offended. "But this is supposed to be a team effort."

She stares at him blankly. "I don't trust you to do everything."

"You don't even know me!"

"Everyone knows you, Potter."

"Come on, Nightshade," he pleads. "Two minds are better than one, and teamwork is important."

Alina rolls her eyes. "Spare me the Gryffindor pep talk."

"But imagine! We could work together and create the best research paper in the class."

"And what would be your contribution?" Alina raises her brows. "Enthusiasm?"

"My charm, of course," James replies with a mix of a smile and a smirk. "Plus, maybe we could actually be friends."

"You hate Slytherins," Alina says bluntly. James seems ready to argue but pauses, realizing the truth in her words.

"I'll give you tasks to do," Alina concedes. "But if they're not good, I'll redo them myself."

James seems ready to argue again, but her glare makes him think twice.

Maybe she can talk McGonagall into letting her work alone, but that seems unlikely.


"Lia," Barty whispers her nickname in the library. "Do you have your potion notes from last year?"

Alina thinks for a moment. "They're in my dorm. I'll give them to you tomorrow."

Barty gives her a crooked grin. "Thank you."

Alina glances at the clock. She has patrol with Remus soon. Hopefully, James and Sirius won't be there.

"I'll see you tomorrow," she says to Barty before getting up and leaving the library. Her shoes have a small heel, and they click against the stone floor as she walks.

Hogwarts is quite dark at night, the corridors feeling as eerie as her own home. Alina isn't sure she has ever found a place that feels like home. Hogwarts certainly doesn't.

She makes her way to the entrance of the Great Hall, waiting for Remus. He seems to have a problem with punctuality.

Eventually, she sees him hurrying down the hall.

"I'm sorry," Remus immediately says. "James lit the sofa on fire and—" He takes a breath. "Sorry." He gives her a nervous smile.

"I don't care," Alina replies, turning to start their route. She hears his footsteps quicken to keep up with her.

It seems this year is going to be quite annoying.

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