~Chapter 45~

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Alina glances cautiously around the library aisle, her mind replaying the name she discovered the night before

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Alina glances cautiously around the library aisle, her mind replaying the name she discovered the night before.

Tom Riddle.

After finding the photograph, she carefully placed it back into the frame, ensuring everything was exactly as it had been. The name isn't familiar, not one she recognizes from any pureblood lineage.

Yet he speaks Parseltongue.

A rare gift, and one that marks him as a possible descendant of Salazar Slytherin.

Her light eyes dart around once more before she flips open the book in front of her. The photograph was clearly from many years ago, so she guesses at the era and methodically combs through yearbooks, searching for any trace of the boy in the picture.

And any information that might shed light on who he is.

Alina is determined to learn more about him—especially if...

No, there is no "if." He is the Dark Lord.

Her family has been growing increasingly entangled with the Death Eaters and their twisted ambitions. So yes, she needs to know everything about him now. Before, she hadn't cared, hadn't felt the need. But now that she has seen him in a vision?

It has to mean something. A sign, urging her to delve deeper.

Alina rapidly flips through the pages, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and dread. Suddenly, a name catches her eye.

Tom Riddle.

She immediately sets the book on the small table at the end of the bookshelf, her eyes scanning the moving photograph of the boy. That's him.

Only one picture, and just a brief mention of his academic achievements.

It's infuriating.

With a frustrated snap, Alina shuts the book and returns it to its place on the shelf, leaving the library with an annoyed sigh.


Today is the day everyone returns from the holiday break, and Barty is practically bouncing around the Slytherin common room, unable to contain his excitement.

"Sit still," Alina snaps from her cushioned seat, glaring at the dark-haired boy. "We'll go get him when he arrives, but there's no point in standing out in the cold while we wait."

"I know," Barty replies, his voice tinged with the impatience of a child denied a treat. "I just miss him."

"We know," Evan mutters, sounding thoroughly exasperated.

"Shut up, Rosier," Barty shoots back, his eyes narrowing with irritation.

Alina glances at the clock, silently willing time to move faster. She's eager for Regulus to return too, though she hides it better than Barty.

"Look, Barty," she says, trying to soothe his restlessness. "He should be here in five minutes."

"Then let's go!" Barty exclaims, immediately striding over and snapping his fingers in front of her face.

"I'm not going," Alina replies flatly, her gaze returning to her hands.

"Yes, you are," Barty says with a tone that leaves no room for argument. "I need you to distract Sirius so he doesn't notice me and Regulus."

Alina shoots him a fierce glare. "No."

"Please," Barty's commanding voice softens into a plea.

Alina's glare intensifies before she sighs in resignation. "I hate you," she mutters as she stands up.

"Yes!" Barty cheers, and Evan quickly gets to his feet to join them.

The three of them leave the common room, meeting up with Pandora and Dorcas as they walk through the castle. Soon, they arrive at the entrance hall, where students are gathering to greet their returning friends.

The heavy doors swing open, letting in a blast of freezing air as students begin to filter inside.

Alina's eyes scan the crowd and immediately find Regulus. He stands there, looking sad, upset, and utterly exhausted. The usual composed and confident boy seems worn down, his expression clouded with something far heavier than mere fatigue.

Something must have happened over the break.

Alina watches as Barty and the others make a beeline for Regulus, their concern evident. She lets out an annoyed sigh and scans the room for James Potter—

No, Sirius Black.

Her eyes find them a moment later. Sirius is standing close to James, his gaze unfocused, as if he isn't truly seeing the room around him. He lingers between James and Remus, his posture tense.

Yes, something has definitely happened. Alina can feel it—the heaviness in the air, the way Sirius and Regulus avoid each other's gaze. Even James, usually so full of life and playful banter, seems unusually subdued.

A knot of unease tightens in Alina's stomach. Whatever went down over the break, it isn't good.

Then she notices James again—how good he looks, even with that shadow of worry hanging over him.

She pushes the thought aside, forcing herself to focus as she weaves through the crowd to reach the boys. As she approaches, James catches sight of her, his lips curving into a familiar smile, though it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"Potter," Alina greets coolly.

"Sunshine," James replies, his smile brightening slightly, becoming a bit more genuine.

"Still as self-assured as ever, I see," Alina remarks, masking her concern with a sarcastic edge.

"Still pretending you're not in love with me, I see," James shoots back without missing a beat.

Alina rolls her eyes in reply. Her gaze flicks to Sirius, who is too engrossed in a conversation with Remus to notice his brother across the room.

"You better have studied over the break," she says, turning her attention back to James, who is already watching her intently.

"Don't worry, I did," he replies with a grin. "But I'm sure I didn't learn half as much as I will with you as my teacher again."

Her stomach flips, an unexpected flutter of something she refuses to acknowledge.

"I'll see you later," James says, his eyes darting briefly to Sirius before he gives her another smile.

"Merlin, I hope not," Alina mutters, turning away and making her way back to Barty and his friends, trying to ignore the feeling of James Potter's gaze lingering on her.

Guys I started watching Outlander and omfg....its so good. I love it. AND ALSO started playing genshin impact this week ITS SO FUN

 AND ALSO started playing genshin impact this week ITS SO FUN

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