~Chapter 17~

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Make sure you're on the right chapter!! I think wattpad glitched again💔

Alina Nightshade POV.

Alina lets her eyes trail over her palms, analyzing the scars etched there.

Once again, James Potter is late for class. It seems she always has to wait on him. At least it is her favorite class, Potions.

It is October now, just a day since she last saw James, when he left her dorm. Alina hopes it will get cold soon. Despite sort of enjoying Halloween, she dreads Barty's inevitable insistence on dressing her up. Last year, he turned her into a Muggle zombie, and the makeup he used stained her skin for days.

She didn't talk to him for a week because of it.

Her lips threaten a smirk at the memory before the chair beside her scrapes. Her gaze lifts to see James Potter settling into the seat, fixing his glasses before turning to look at her. Only, he isn't looking at her—he is looking at her hands, the scars there.

James's brows furrow slightly. Alina quickly clenches her hands into fists, straightening her back.

"You're late," Alina says in her usual cold, emotionless tone.

James blinks at her clenched fists behind his glasses, then places a smile on his face. "Did you miss me terribly, sunshine?"

Alina glares. "I was quite enjoying the silence. Hoping you wouldn't show up."

James laughs softly, focusing his eyes on the desk in front of them. "Sure, sunshine."

Alina rolls her eyes before directing them to the board at the front of the room. They have to create the Pepperup Potion.

"What do we have to make?" James asks, leaning closer to her.

Alina moves away. "Pepperup Potion," she mumbles. The cauldron in front of them already has some liquid in it. "Go get all of these." She slides him the book of instructions, pointing towards the ingredients.

"Alright, sunshine."

Alina digs her nails into her palm at the stupid nickname. She goes to say something, but James is already up from his seat, heading to the shelves of ingredients. Her eyes drift to his bag on the floor, which has fallen open, revealing some of its contents.

Her light eyes narrow on what seems like folded paper. "The Marauder's Map," she reads, noticing the words surrounded by a small figure of a castle.

She tilts her head slightly but then looks back to the desk. A map. Alina wonders what it is of, maybe the castle, but why does he need a map of Hogwarts?

"Here," James shoves the ingredients onto the desk.

"Careful," Alina says emotionlessly, grabbing the jar of bicorn root to stop it from falling off the desk.

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