~Chapter 21~

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James Potter POV

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James Potter POV.

"I can't tonight," James frowns as he speaks to Sirius. "Alina is tutoring me."

Sirius smirks slightly as he takes a bite of his food. It's lunchtime, though nearing the end of it now.

James's next class is Potions with Alina. He blames the bet for the reason she is always on his mind.

"Another opportunity to be her friend," Sirius says with a grin, despite Remus glaring at both of them.

James smiles back, ignoring the feeling of dread in his stomach. He doesn't know why he feels that way each time Sirius mentions the bet.

They have made dumb bets before, so why is this one different?

James doesn't know. He would send a letter to his mum about it, but she might actually kill him if she knew. And he has already mentioned Alina Nightshade too much in his letters.

He tries to focus on anything other than Alina. Like Quidditch. Practice is starting soon, and then the games will begin.

But his eyes stray to her once more. She is sitting at the Slytherin table, right beside Barty Crouch Jr.

Barty seems to be talking about something, and Alina is staring at him with a blank face.

Alina usually has a blank look on her face.

She wears a black headband that contrasts with her light hair.

A second later, Alina gets up, grabs her bag, and leaves. The bandage on her arm is gone, so it must have healed thoroughly thanks to Madam Pomfrey.

"I'll see you later," James says quickly to his friends, grabbing his own bag and leaving the Great Hall.

Alina walks fast, and he realizes she is already pretty far down the hall.

Quickly, he speeds up his steps, effortlessly catching up to her. "Sunshine," James smiles down at the shorter girl.

"Potter," she replies curtly.

James smiles to himself despite her tone. "How's your day been?"

"Fine," Alina replies, giving him a side glance. Her hair moves slightly with each step she takes.

"My day's been alright," James shrugs despite her not asking. "You excited for Potions?"

"I suppose," is all Alina says.

A quiet day for her then.

James keeps silent the rest of the way.

It feels sort of...nice.

To not have to fill the silence, to not have to think of some joke or something to make someone laugh. There are no expectations.

They soon reach the Potions classroom, both sitting down beside each other at their desks.

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