Chapter 31

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The conversation we had that night is still very clear in my mind; I should keep my distance. 

As I walk back to the other guys I can feel each step feeling heavier with the weight of frustration building inside me. 

"This isn't fair" I muttered softly, kicking a lone pebble on the ground, watching it skitter away, I felt so helpless.

They were starting to approach Y/N. Both Namjoon and Jin hyung had talked to her and now even Yoongi hyung had made progress with their forgotten friendship. 

But they told me to distance myself for now because they're afraid my emotions might get the better of me because of our soul link.

Hell, Jimin hyung went out for coffee with her and they are soulmates too, so why am I being forced to stay away? She is my girlfriend. 

The frustration had turned into a simmering anger as I thought about the pain Y/N had endured and the determination to support her that had stayed with me.

I clenched my fists, feeling frustration bubble up inside me again. It wasn't just about being told to stay away; it was about feeling useless.

The person I loved was right there in front of me after she just up and disappeared. Not knowing if she was still alive. But I couldn't reach out to her, I couldn't help her through this confusing and painful time.

I froze, a chill running down my spine when I heard a familiar voice call my name softly. 

Turning around, my emotions still raging within me, I let out a harsh, "What is it, noona?" Oh shit, this won't go well.

Her eyes went wide and she slowly turned around, her expression wounded.

"Never mind then" she uttered, her voice barely above a whisper. 

I fought every urge in my body not to reach out and grab her, to take back my words. 

Just as she started to walk away, she let out a soft "You know; I don't know what happened but just know that I also want answers and I am trying my best here too"

I let out the breath I had been holding for what felt like an eternity, watching her walk away. 

The sight of her retreating figure, shoulders slumped, made my heart ache. I wanted to run after her, but when I saw her waving to two figures in her path, I didn't move.

"It's him" I muttered under my breath, watching as he smirked at me while taking her bag from her shoulder and putting it on his own. 

Another figure hugged Y/N and they walked off, his arm still draped protectively around her shoulders.

"That's it, fuck waiting. I'm getting my soulmate back" I said as I turned around and headed back to the guys.


While walking away, I noticed two familiar faces and waved at them, giving them a warm smile. 

Wonwoo, not taking his eyes away from where I had come from. I just let out a soft "Hey." 

Wonwoo and I hadn't spoken since the last  night and the tension between us was still hanging in the air.

He took my bag from me and I felt a sense of relief at the familiar, comforting gesture. 

Jeonghan engulfed me in one of his signature warm hugs. 

"Let's go eat. You look like you've lost weight" he said and I could hear the concern in his voice. We started walking to meet the others.

I glanced up at Wonwoo, who still hadn't said a word and sighed in defeat. 'Let's give him time' I thought to myself. The silence between us was heavy.

As we walked, Jeonghan kept the conversation light, trying to lift the mood. I appreciated his efforts, but my mind kept drifting back to Jungkook. The guilt of not remembering and the pressure to piece everything together weighed heavily on me.

"Everything okay?" Jeonghan asked, noticing my distracted state.

I forced a smile and nodded. "Yeah, just a lot on my mind."

He squeezed my shoulder reassuringly. "I know a lot has happened lately, but don't dwell on it too much. Take your time with these things; there's no need to rush." I just hummed and have him a smile.

" I just hummed and have him a smile

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