Chapter 2

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After the initial drama, we sat down and started talking. He told me he was my cousin and when he mentioned his name, I remembered our families being close when we were younger. Since we were the same age, we got along like siblings.

He explained that after my parents died in the crash, I went missing because I didn't want to move back to China. He had been searching for me all this time. He moved to Korea when he was 17 years old and joined a boy band called Seventeen, which was doing really well. Despite his success, he never stopped looking for me. After spending the afternoon talking, I finally felt relieved—I wasn't alone anymore.


Six months had passed since then. I moved back to Korea three months ago and was accepted into an elite university where I could finish my studies. I was studying music production, and Jun had helped me get into a school attended by many idols and children of wealthy families in Korea.

"Little one, are you ready for your first day of school?" Mingyu asked, ruffling my hair. "Yah!" I shout in annoyance.

Spending more time with Jun brought us closer again, as if we had never been apart. When he learned about my memory loss, he took me to a specialist who confirmed that I had indeed suffered trauma. The specialist explained that it was due to being separated from my soulmate.

That's right, we have soulmates. It's not so common that everyone has one, but it's not rare either. When I was first admitted to the hospital, they asked if I had a soulmate, but I told them I didn't because, well, I couldn't really remember anything. But after seeing the specialist, it was confirmed that I do indeed have a soulmate somewhere out there.

Having a soul tie doesn't always have to be romantic. We were taught in school that a soulmate is another soul that exists in your life for a specific reason. Most of the time, this leads to a romantic bond, but many people are content with just being friends. There are also a few hundred cases of people having more than one soulmate and their friendships are often notorious. However, there are those who turn their backs on their soulmates, but this comes with repercussions.

No one knows if they have a soulmate until they make skin contact. It's instant. You get a warm, tingling feeling, described by many as absolute bliss-until the contact is broken. The sudden pain can make you fall to the ground, you need to make contact again to alleviate it. For the first 48 hours, you have to stick with your soulmate until you can go without touch. It's as if the universe is forcing you to spend time together.

After that, you can go weeks without touch, but there's a toll. Your body feels heavy, you have aches and pains until you 'recharge' again. People also depend on their soulmates for energy and comfort when they're sick. The stronger the bond, the better you'll feel. But if you decide to leave your soulmate, your body can go into shock, though most people survive it but it painfull.

After I found out I had a soulmate, I searched for him briefly but ultimately decided to let it be, as the damage was already done. I didn't want to risk hurting myself again after the 'incident'. I also had no idea what caused the soul tie to break. I wasn't an impulsive or reckless person, so I must have had a reason.



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