Chapter 58

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The next day, as I was leaving the campus, I received a call from Namjoon. He asked me to meet him in front of the entrance.

"Namjoon oppa!" I called out and ran towards him. 

When he lifted his eyes and met mine, he immediately gave me his dimpled smile putting away his phone.

Seeing the tall, handsome man smile at me made me trip over thin air.

"Y/N, be careful" he said, catching my hands.

"Yah, oppa, warn me next time before showing that smile" I said with my hand over my heart, trying to steady myself.

He chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Sorry, I'll try to keep it in check" he teased back. "

You really are full of charm, aren't you?" he said, ruffling my hair.

"You should hear the things I don't say, oppa" I said and looking up at him winked at him. 

He pushed my head down. "Aish, this flirty girl" he teased, a little pink shade filling his cheeks. I just giggled.

"Listen, bub, I called you for a reason" he said with a serious tone.

I straightened up and gave him my full attention. This earned me a smile of approval before he continued.

"Our CEO found out that you are back and he wants to see you in his office today" he said. 

I took a moment to process this. They know about me being a soulmate, so I wonder why he would suddenly want to see me.

"Does it have to be today?" I asked. Namjoon nodded. "Okay, oppa. I have time right now, so I guess that's fine. I'll just let Jun know first," I said, taking out my phone.

"I was on my way to the company myself. Would you like a ride?" he asked, dangling his keys.

I smiled and nodded. "I'd love to. Thank you, Oppa."

In the car on our way to the company, I glanced over and noticed a tense Namjoon.

"Oppa? Does he know I lost my memories?" I asked, watching as his eyebrows raised slightly and he bit his lip.

"Actually, we haven't had the chance to talk to him about it yet, so I don't think he knows" he replied. I nodded slowly, processing the information.

"Jungkook once told me that I went to a meeting with him before leaving suddenly. Do you think something might have happened in that meeting?" I asked.

Namjoon nodded. "That's a very strong possibility, bub. Everything was fine up until that meeting and when we got back from training, you were just gone without any explanation. When we told Mr. Bang about it, we saw panic, but he didn't ask any questions about why you left. Every time we asked him about the meeting, he just shrugged it off and said nothing special happened" he explained.

"Listen, Y/N, he's smart and cunning, but he was very fond of you. I don't know what happened that day, but I know he has a soft spot for you. Just keep your guard up and don't mention your memory loss. Try to keep a cold face" Namjoon said with a serious expression.

He was right. We don't know what happened and if he finds out about my memory loss, he might try to use that to his advantage.

"I'll just have to read the room as we go" I said. He smiled and nodded.

""You're quite good at that. Try acting disinterested, but don't say too much—that's the only suggestion I have. He might let something slip."" he advised.

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