Chapter 64

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I approached Jimin's door, hesitating for a moment before gently pushing it open. The room was dimly lit and I could see a lump under the covers, indicating Jimin was still fast asleep. I tiptoed closer, trying to figure out the best way to wake him without startling him too much.

I sat on the edge of his bed and leaned in close. "Jimin, oppa" I whispered softly, brushing a strand of hair away from his face. "It's time to wake up."

He groaned and pulled the covers over his head, clearly not ready to face the day. I couldn't help but smile at how adorable he looked, even when he was grumpy.

"Come on, oppa" I said a bit louder, gently shaking his shoulder. "Jin oppa said breakfast is ready."

He peeked out from under the covers with one eye but then suddenly attacked me with the covers, pulling me under them. I was now in my second death hold for today. His arms were wrapped tightly around me and I couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

With one hand, I gently touched his cheek, marveling at his features. Wow, these boys were really pretty. I playfully poked one of his cheeks and he smiled, his eyes still closed.

"Oppa" I whispered softly.

He hummed in response, the sound vibrating through his chest. "Mmm, what is it?" he mumbled, his voice groggy but filled with warmth.

"We need to get up" I said, trying to sound serious but failing miserably as a giggle escaped my lips. "I'm hungry"

Jimin tightened his hold on me for a moment before finally loosening his grip. He opened his eyes slowly, blinking against the light. 

"Fine, fine. Let's go get breakfast" he said with a sleepy smile.

We untangled ourselves from the covers and I helped him out of bed. He leaned on me as we made our way to the kitchen, his arm draped over my shoulders. Hobi's mouth hung open. "That was quick" he said, clearly surprised.

When we entered the kitchen, Jin greeted us with a bright smile. "Finally, you two! I thought I'd have to send a rescue team."

"Sorry, oppa" I said, smiling back. "Jimin needed some extra motivation."

Jimin nodded, still half-asleep but grinning. "Yeah, Y/N is the best alarm clock."

Jin chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, whatever it takes to get Jimin here on time. Breakfast is ready."

We all gathered around the table and the aroma of Jin's cooking filled the room.  We then heard the front door open and Jungkook came in with a gym bag slung over his shoulder. He dropped it on the couch and walked over to the table, greeting everyone. I kept my eyes down.

I saw him stop and stand for a second before sitting down and starting to eat. 

My phone rang and I jumped up to answer it, stepping away from the group.

"Hello" I answered.

"Morning, boss" Jerry's voice came through the line. "You're still coming in today, right?"

"Today? Why?" I asked, feeling a bit surprised.

"Yaahh Shadow, you have a client on a video call and an album to write. You said you would come back today" Jerry whined, reminded me.

"Oh, is it Monday already?" I sighed. "Okay, I will be there this afternoon."

"Great, see you soon, boss" Jerry said before hanging up.

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