Chapter 46

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A few days had passed and it was now Thursday night. I had finished the recording and waiting for the final results. I felt a strange sense of boredom now that the songs were done. Spending time and talking to Shadow had been fun and made me forget about the tension in the house.

While sitting at the dinner table, I could feel the guys stealing glances at me, but I didn't acknowledge them and just tried to finish eating so I could go back to my room.

Namjoon hyung finally spoke up, breaking the silence. "So, have you spoken to Y/N yet, Taehyung-ah?" he asked.

I sighed, putting down my chopsticks and looking up at him. "No, I haven't" I admitted. The mention of her name brought up so many emotions and a bit of frustration. I can't get that image of my head. The cold face she gave us when she said she doesnt know us.

Jimin, who was sitting next to me, leaned in. "You should, Tae. You two were especially close. She doesn't run away from us anymore. I know you miss her too."

I nodded slowly, knowing they were right. The memory of Y/N, her laughter, and the times we shared weighed heavily on my mind. "It's just... I don't know what to say. What if she looks at me like that again?"

Jungkook, sitting across the table, gave me a reassuring smile. "It's only because she was confused at the time, hyung. She's been asking about you."

I lifted my head in surprise when he said that. "She asked about me?" I asked a bit too eagerly. Jimin squeezed my shoulder and said, "She mentioned she tried to find you on campus but hasn't seen you once since the first day."

I looked around the table. They had all had some interactions with her, small but meaningful. They were trying not to overwhelm her.

After dinner, I went back to my room and lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Despite the incident, I was happy to find out that she wasn't deliberately trying to hurt our feelings back then. I was even more relieved when she had agreed to try to reconnect with us.

The others were making progress with Y/N, but I was avoiding her, watching her from afar and hiding every time she might look my way. I was scared. Every time I saw her, I was reminded of how it felt when she just left.

Y/N and I were really close. We were only one month apart, so she was the closest to my age, even though we weren't born in the same year. We knew absolutely everything about each other.

Well, I guess not everything, because she just left like that. She left me behind, and she didn't once reach out to any of us in those two years. I know now that she lost her memory, but that was after a year of being gone.

I knew she probably had a good reason for leaving-I trusted her-but that doesn't take the hurt away. Not being able to bond with one of your soulmates was painful beyond words, and it takes a toll on your body until you're able to bond with them again.

Everything inside me was screaming to just run and grab my soulmate. I can't even imagine the pain she's going through.

Every time I see her, I'm reminded of the dull pain I've learned to ignore over the years. Honestly, I'm not sure if I could trust myself to be around her and not try to bond with her.

I kept thinking about the other day when she kept flinching and avoiding my hands. I understood why, but it really hurt in that moment.

I let out a frustrated sigh, turning over in my bed. My mind replayed the memories of us together, the laughter, the shared secrets and the deep bond we had. It all felt so distant now, yet the emotions were still raw and real.

I knew I had to face her eventually. Hiding wasn't helping anyone, I really did miss her.

But the fear of rejection, of seeing her flinch away from me again, was paralyzing. Maybe talking to Y/N, as hard as it might be, was the only way to truly heal.

Taking a deep breath, I made a decision. Tomorrow, I would try to talk to her. No more hiding, no more running away. It was time to face my fears and try to rebuild a friendship.


Walking along the pathway on my way out of the university, I suddenly stopped in my tracks.

There they were-those eyes I have been looking for.

Those big, dark orbs that didn't waver from mine. His eyes were incredibly expressive, often reflecting his inner thoughts and feelings.

I gulped as I felt my legs start to move on it's own, taking me towards those eyes. Not looking away once, I came to stand in front of him. He was now looking down at me and I could see he was holding back his emotions.

I smiled at him, gathering up my courage, and whispered, "I'm here to catch my last Pokémon." I kept my eyes on his, hoping my joke would lighten the mood.

Blinking his eyes a few times, he let out a huff, but he couldn't help but smile. He looked to the side and ran his long fingers through his soft black curls. "This crazy girl" was all he said before looking back at me with a soft smile.

"I really missed you, Y/N. Please don't go anywhere again" was all he said before he put his head fell on my shoulder where the strap of my bag was hanging from my jacket.

His cologne enveloped me, a warm blend of rich musk and subtle spices, with a hint of something fresh and earthy-like the first breath of air after a rainstorm. The scent was intoxicating, wrapping around me like a comforting embrace, distinctly Taehyung.

"I won't go anywhere" I whispered back. "I'm here to stay."

We stood there for a moment, the world around us fading into the background. His presence was warm. He lifted his head, our eyes met again. "Thank you" he said softly.

A/N:Anyone else here who has a soft spot for our Alien V?

A/N:Anyone else here who has a soft spot for our Alien V?

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