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The Stone Hashira hummed, staring down at me while his shadow overtook the sun. From behind him, Tomioka and Sanemi unleashed their swords, the blue and green tint blinding all in the sun. Sanemi placed an eager smile on his face while Tomioka remained unchanged, occasionally turning his head slightly to brush the hair off his face.

With her blade drawn out, (Y/N) began seeing the white blur into the nichirin, like clouds of ink dipped in water. Her eyes widened for a moment, but slowly settled; as if she had gone through grief but suddenly darted straight towards acceptance.

A breath stirred within her, her body shaking but suddenly stilling as she exhaled.

There, it was revealed her breathing style. And here, in this very dirt space, next to the rushing river, was where her former mentors decided to put her to the test. Not just- a slash on the face test. Not a mental test of leaving one behind.

A test of (Y/N)'s strength as Hashira and a chance to mess around with her new breathing technique.

Himejima nodded, seeing the color of the blade and tilted around to face the other Hashiras. "It has turned. You may begin."

Without a beat, both jumped above Himejima, their bodies now covering the sun and etching their own shadows into the dirt. Sanemi's mouth was gaping open with excitement with his sword drawn above him, ready to give an over the head strike. Tomioka was next to him, holding his blade horizontally, ready to pierce at any given moment.

There, (Y/N) saw their openings. Sanemi's entire chest was open for an attack and Tomioka's left abdomen was open for a slice. Yet, she could not think of taking them now. Quickly, she rolled to the right, kicking up dust and rocks in action.

Sanemi began coughing while Tomioka waved the dirt from the air. As the dust cleared, their former student had seamlessly vanished in thin air. They turned back to back, swords drawn in front of them. They began turning all around, no one to the left, not right.


The two looked up, but saw nothing, only their crows circling above and a blinding sun.

Below? They awkwardly stared down.

Tomioka's eyes widened as he saw a white blade at the corner of his eye.


In a quick fashion, (Y/N) had gone in between her mentors before they clashed backs. A cunning smile stretched on her face as she rose her blade above their heads. They squeezed her shoulders, yet she was able to shove enough room for an attack.

It was late for the Hashira, as they hesitated in action at an awkward position.

Ice Breathing First Form: Whirlwind Storm.

Sanemi gasped from the sudden action, seeing the white blade come whirling in from the side of him. He barely escaped it, bending backwards and seeing the reflection of his shocked face shown on the downside of her blade.

Tomioka grunted, shifted slightly backwards and facing the new Hashira, his sword drawn beside him. He took in a deep breath, seeing the view before him before acting.

Sanemi was bending backwards, the blade just barely passing over him. (Y/N) was smiling right at Tomioka, her blade now making her way towards- CRAP.

Tomioka rose his sword up, their blades clashing at a ringing fashion. From this, (Y/N) was slightly above the ground from her swinging attack and was now pushing her weight through her blade down into Tomioka. Sweat dripped from her temple down to his blade, where the droplet sliced in half.

"EEEEEEE! THAT WAS CLOSE!" Zenitsu slammed his ears, his jaw dropped at only the first move of the brawl.

Tanjiro's mouth was wide open in awe, his eyes glistening with inspiration and the urge to jump and join them.

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