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It's been three years since I've been training under the Water Pillar, Giyu Tomioka. These past few years have been gruesome training, Tomioka's training usually harsh and extreme for the first year. I slowly grew used to it and suddenly found myself beating every single one of his tasks. Tomioka hasn't been training me as much as he used to since he's been busier with missions lately and the Final Selection is coming up.

I've been getting used to all the terminology that comes with being a demon slayer. I understand each breathing style, the blades, the demons, and the ranks. I also understand that there are twelve powerful demons that work directly under Muzan, the demon leader per se.

Tomioka would take me to a mountain at night where we'd train with the weak demons there, killing off as many as possible. At this point, I've been used to seeing the gore. Except bones sticking out of bodies, no way I can't do that. Just thinking about it makes me gag.

Tomioka taught me Water Breathing Techniques. He also lent me his old nichirin blade that I would use in the Final Selection before I would get my very own sword.

I guess you could say that choosing this path was the best choice I've ever made in my life.

The Final Selection was tomorrow, and I was more than happy to participate. The Final Selection was a trial that all people had to take in order to become a demon slayer. According to Tomioka, it was a seven-night stay on Fujikasane Mountain where demons would roam. For seven nights, we would stay there on that mountain until we make it to the other top side of the mountain.

The only problem I was worried about was keeping my stamina.

I've been growing close to the Pillars and the other girls who lived in the Butterfly Estate. I would stay in the Butterfly Estate from time to time, usually, because I was bored living in Tomioka's estate. Including Aoi and Kanao, they were like my sisters.

"(Y/N)! GET UP THIS INSTANT!" Aoi shrieked as she kicked open my doors.

I threw up my sword as a reflex. "Aoi! You scared me!" I gasped as I slowly lowered my sword down.

Aoi scoffed as she placed her hands on her hips. "You have to prepare for the Final Selection! Come on! Train!" She exclaimed, waving her hands rapidly in the air.

I let out an aching sigh as sweat started to drip from my head. I've been training all weak. Tomioka told me to rest for the night before just so I could have enough energy.

"But, Tomioka told me to rest so I could have the energy for the Selection..." I explained, softly waving my hands in front of me.

"Hmph! I guess if your Pillar said so, then it's fine." She grunted as she crossed her arms and leaned on the doorway. "So, what have you been up to?"

I chuckled as I sat down on my bed, the creaking echoing my room. "You asked me that yesterday! I've just been preparing for this day."

Aoi waltzed into my room and leaned up upon my desk that was right next to the side of my bed. "Sorry, it's just that you and Kanao will be gone for seven nights!" She pouted, raising her lower lip up.

I slightly scrunched my brows up, an expression of worry across my face. "Don't worry, Aoi! Kanoe and I will come back sooner then you know it!" I put up two thumbs up. "And we can have a big feast when we come back!" I opened up my arms as a smile was planted onto my face.

Aoi softly chuckled at my little outburst. "You're so weird, (Y/N)." She shook her head, closing her eyes growing a smirk on her face. "I guess so. You two are the most successful Tsukugos anyone has ever had!"

"And you're the most successful assistant Shinobu has ever had!" I giggled as I jumped up from my bed to poke her shoulder. "Don't put yourself down when you have a lot of potentials!"

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