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It was early, early morning when I arrived at the family farm.

The journey there was very calming and quaint. I came across little to no problems, only having to catch a thief on my way. I aimed to travel with as much sunlight as possible. That way, I won't bump into any demons. Even if I did, I will have no problem fighting them, but I don't want them to interfere with my mission.

My crow accompanied me the whole way. It got a little awkward, so I decided to ask for its name.


"Rita? What a nice name!" I chuckled as I bounced my arm up and down with the crow perched upon it.

Rita's beady black eyes seemed to light up like little stars.

The farm was actually pretty decent, having maybe two acres covering around the small bamboo house. The sky was dyed a beautiful mix of oranges, blues, and purples along with the messy streaks of the clouds. The breeze was calm, rustling the rice crops, and the birds were barely chirping awake.

I approached the small house. A creep of anxiety rushed up at me again. Hitching my breath, I slowly walk up to the doorway.

With Rita perched on my shoulder, I reached my knuckle forward, ready to knock.

Then I retracted my hand.

Why was I hesitating? Will, they not like me? Did they expect someone else? Maybe someone stronger?

I pulled my hand onto my chest. 

Before I could think more, the door was swung wide open. I flinched so hard, I almost tripped myself backward in the process.

In the doorway revealed a tall young man with strikingly platinum blonde hair that was given an undercut look. He had slanted almond eyes that shined a brown chocolate color. His face was quite evenly framed for a young man like him.

"Wh-Who are you?" He stammered out, raising his fists. Judging by the deepness of his voice, he was probably a few years younger than me. His thick eyebrows furrowed together as his mouth curved downwards forming his whole face into a funny frown.

I stammered back a little, quite convinced that I had gone to the wrong home. Rita started to  peck at my cheek. I turned to see it's small head nod up and down.

Taking a deep breath, I bowed forward as my hair swung down.

"(Y/N) Yoshioka. I'm a demon slayer who was hired around this area. What seems to be the problem?" Everything seemed to slip out of my mouth like water. It was natural. Well, it sounded natural but I was really freaking the hell out on what to say. My fists were clenched for a minute, but they were already dripping with sweat.

The boy's fists and shoulders relaxed as he let out an exaggerating sigh. He looked up again and leaned up against the door frame, arms crossed. "You're the demon slayer we hired?"

I nodded.

His eyes trailed my body up and down, sending an uncomfortable shock wherever his eyes landed on me. I tensed up my shoulders and arms as he did so.

"Alright," he smirked as he backed up into the home. "Come in."

As I walked into the room, my nose prickled to the strong smell of lavender. It was so strong, my eyes watered as a wrapping head ache entered me. I didn't want to seem so rude in my first mission, so I took a deep breath.

The house itself was quite well and tidy. As I entered, there was a small space with a kotatsu laying in the center. The quilt of the kotatsu was brown and red with a few knit patches of blue. To my right was the kitchen, accompanied by a stone open stove and a wooden counter. To my left were two sliding doors.

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