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"Big sis! Big sis!" Sora giggled as he jumped up and down on one foot while tugging on the sleeve of my yukata. "You're so slow!" He whined, pulling harder on the sleeve.

I smiled down at my brother. "Listen, Sora, if anything, you're such a handful, I feel like ripping out my vocal chords trying to yell." I lightly pushed him a tad, only enough for him to get what I mean.

Laughing and skipping down the hallway, I observed the paintings and photos on the wall. There was the sunset paintings my mother made, the sakura blossom painting my mother made, and so on. My mother was a painter... how could I forget-

"(Y/N)! Sora! Come along now!" A voice called from the end of the hallway. The voice was hoarse, yet it had such a light and catchy tone to it. When it first touched my ears, I couldn't quite recognize it. Yet, the voice was so familiar like a strange lullaby that was sung when I was young.

It was- 

"Father! (Y/N) was crying!" Sora whined as he pulled me into the dining room.

The sweet aroma of sugars and candy suddenly exploded in the room. A light ray of sun burst into the room from an open window. The table- the tatami floors- everything is normal just like home...

A maid came along and placed down the pancakes and strawberries. Another came to set up the table with all the plates, tea, and napkins.

One approached me, their hands in their sleeves. "Ms. (Y/N) Yoshioka, would you like the usual on your pancake?" They asked, bowing silently before their eyes met mine.

I gulped. The usual? What was my us-

Oh! Right!

"Yes! Extra everything?" I chuckled as I pointed up to the sky in a valiant order, Sora gingerly copying my moves with his hands on his hips.

The maid nodded, bowing before leaving into the kitchen.

And out of the kitchen came-


Having his long hair pulled up into a high ponytail, pinning with a flower pin. Small wrinkles around his thin nose as his smile was wider then ever like a river. His stunning eyes, matching the color of mine, curved upwards as he saw us at the entrance of the dining room. He wore his blue yukata, similar to the one I was wearing. His smile was- something I thought I'd never see again. This kind aura from him reminded me of... of...

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Sora shouted as he tugged on my sleeve once more. "Come on! The food will get cold!" He giggled as he pulled my towards the table.

I nodded, a tear suddenly rushing down my face. I brushed it off with the back of my hand, unaware of why I was suddenly being so... sad. Kneeling down at the table and folding my legs so I was sitting on my ankles, I looked down at the stacked pancakes before me.

A cup of hot tea was right next to me, provided with a nice glass of water. The pancakes certainly had extra everything. Extra syrup, butter, and strawberry jam, all stacked in this delicious slice.


I looked across the table, seeing my father chuckle as my mouth started to drool. I wiped my chin, a nervous and hesitant grin tugging at my lips. Sora sits himself right next to me, an "oomph" coming from him as he stared down at his pancakes.

"I hope you enjoy these pancakes. I received the recipe from our neighbor from America-"

"OOOH! The one with the weird son?" Sora swooned as he scratched his scalp.

My father chuckled as he placed his hand behind his neck. "Half-American, Sora. Don't call people weird because of their looks."


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