
1.4K 54 52

January 16, 2020

Hello, darlings! Hello, hallo, hullo!


Thank you so much for sticking with me and this fanfic after this hiatus. Chapters will start coming out again! But I can't guarantee chapters will come on a daily schedule. An assumption would be that chapters would come once every week or two.

Thank you so much for 2K and 3K Reads!

If anyone has any suggestions for the 2K and 3K Special Chapter, I am indeed still open! I'm actually thinking of making it a full on mini-book of scenarios you guys picked out! How does that sound? Like a huge drabble book.

That's all I had to announce! Again, thank you so much. I wish every single one of you lovelies a fun and safe rest of your day~



Warnings: Mentions of blood, gore, and anxiety

If any of those are a trigger, I do suggest to stop reading.

Tanjiro sighed as he leaned his whole weight back, his arms used as support for his aching body. The poor crimson haired and his colorful friends had been yelled at by the Sound Piller not once, not twice, but three times.

The crisp twilight air gently caressed the boy's face, entrancing him in a tired sigh as his shoulders gave in and his back slouched forward. The smell of sweet strawberry, tears, blood, and the pure emotion of anger could distinctively tingle his nose.

It also only took him a second to realize that their friend, (Y/N), had slipped out of the room during the quarrel, feeling that the air had rested and emptied of itself like water dumping into a river.

All that was left from her was a strawberry cake, lined with a glistening white frosting and topped with a glossy candy strawberry. Tanjiro's deep red eyes stared curiously at the dessert. He had never tried such a cake before, having to only had a few desserts in his life anyway.

Looking back up at his friends, Zenitsu was getting ready to head to bed, flattening his blankets, while Inosuke sat across from him, his elbow perching his head up as he flicked at the crumbs on the smooth table surface.

"Care for a cake, Inosuke?" Tanjiro offered as his arm reached to grab ahold of four ceramics plates on the kotastu. "(Y/N) left it here for us." He added on, beginning to slice the cake. The poor boy was confused, slicing the cake in squares.

Inosuke groaned, his head dropping forehead first onto the table. His hair draped out across the table and a mumble leaving his lips, Inosuke banged his forehead on the table a few more times. His movements rattled the plates on the table and shook the cake ever so slightly.

Tanjiro lifted his head as he could sense the frustrated aura of Zenitsu as he lifted his head from his pillow.

"Can you shut up? We have a mission, tomorrow!" He wailed out, his voice coming in raspy from screaming and tired.

Inosuke perked his chin onto the table. "Hand me that fancy bread," He demanded in a stern and heavy tone, brows pinched into a frown as he stared impatiently at his friend.

Tanjiro slid a plate towards Inosuke, handing him a utensil in the process but having Inosuke swipe it away with a single move of his arm. The emerald eyed boy stared, perplexed at this strange new substance on which Rice Girl had brought to them.

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