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Inosuke and I were both sitting against the tree, my head leaning on the rough wood as I watched the stars flutter above me. Inosuke was too busy eating away the bento I gave him. At the corner of my eye, I watched him as he snarfed down all the food.

"So, I'm guessing the bento is good." I giggled as I leaned forward a little and placed my chin on my knees. 

Inosuke turned his head towards me. A strand of his hair had managed to get into the corner of his lips. There were crumbs of rice on his cheek as he bit down onto the food. Taking a huge gulp, he rose an eyebrow.

"It's not! I'm just eating it because I'm hungry." He replied with his voice in a low and gruff tone from his broken voice box. Yet, as he said those words, he stuffed another bite into his mouth.

I sighed, taking in his words and trying to think if he meant it or not. Thinking about it, Aito was distracting me while making the bento. Not that it's a bad thing, I just didn't focus a lot on the bento as much as I could. I guess he's right.

I scooted up a little and held my head high. I peaked into the bento, just to see what was left. Maybe then I can take those things out and replace them with another meal. 


My eyes widened and my jaw was dropped. He finished the whole thing in less then ten minutes! I don't know what to think. I mean, wow he has a huge appetite. But, is it really that bad that you'd eat everything in it?

"What?" He noticed I was staring and threw the empty bento harshly onto my lap. "I'm done." He groaned as he crossed his arms and leaned back against the tree. Lifting up a knee, his head hung high as his green eyes scanned the sky.

Looking down at the bento, I lifted the top onto the container, clicking it close. I couldn't help but smile at that moment. I don't know why, but I had a gut feeling he really enjoyed the food. Aito only liked the onigiri I made, but I'm glad Inosuke liked the whole entire bento I made for him.

"Thank you," I whispered out.

I covered my mouth once I realized that slipped out of my lips.

But Inosuke's eyes already darted back to mine. "What'd you say?" He lifted a brow.

I shook my head. "Nothing! Nothing!" I stammered out quickly. "Nothing important. Um... how's Rehabilitation Training treating you?" I changed the subject faster then I thought I would.

Inosuke squinted his eyes and pulled his lips into a straight line. "It's going great..." he groaned as he slouched his shoulders.

"Oh really?" I poked his shoulder. "What about that one time when I beat you in-"

"SHUT UP!" He shouted and slapped my arm. "I'm going to beat you! I will! I'm way stronger then a weakling like you!"

I couldn't help but laugh at that moment. Not because I was laughing at his beat red embarrassed face, but because this was a moment where I actually felt like I had someone to talk to. Not that he's a good person to talk to, but I feel like he's an amazing listener.

Now, I thought, I want to get to know him more.

The list of questions returned to my mind. I had a few now. What's your breathing technique like? Do you like staying in the Butterfly Estate?

I was positive to get these questions right.

"What kind of food-"

I slapped myself.

Not again.

"I mean- what... do..." I stammered out, trying to collect my words and place them in my mind. I don't know why I couldn't speak at that moment. Inosuke simply stared at me as he watched my shaky eyes look down at the grass.

koi no yokan | inosuke hashibiraWhere stories live. Discover now