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(November 30, 2020

This is a new update. Recently watching the movie, through totally not illegal ways, I realize that some of the parts in this fanfiction are not matching with the scenes in the movie. With that being said, the Mugen Train Arc of this fanfiction will be under construction for the time being.

Thank you!


It's been a full on two months. And for those two months, I've got to be honest, I've never felt the feeling of my heart rushing as fast as the times I see Inosuke jump up in front of me. Even if it's small glances from across the room or when I see him, Tanjiro, and Zenitsu train, I suddenly have this huge rush of energy and heartache race to my chest.

It's even more crazy when I sit next to him, talk to him, or give him an onigiri. Sometimes, my hand would full out shake or my words would slur or- just- as Inosuke likes to say- I look like I'm sick.

Maybe I am sick. I'm suddenly hit with this sickness called love or, fondness.

I know I'm not going to confess to him anytime soon. I have a few reasons for that as well. Even though I'd enjoy being in a relationship with him, if he knows what that is, I can't be with him, yet.

Reason one; I have other priorities at the moment as a Demon Slayer.

Reason two; I don't want to have our relationship interfere with our work as much as possible.

Reason three; With the whole Demon and Human war going on, I don't want to be in a relationship during the fighting. It's just not a typical or appealing state to be in a relationship right now.

Even though, I have those points laid out in my head, and more, I have a list of reasons on why I suddenly want to be around him so much. I notice a lot more about him now. From the way his eyes would literally sparkle when he sees food to the soft humming I hear from him.

It's those rare moments that I never saw before I actually liked him. At night, before I'd drop off an onigiri to his room, usually the room is empty with only him in it. That's usually because Tanjiro is talking to Shinobu and Zenitsu is trying out more medicine. I may or may not have set it up so we were alone.

And yes, Inosuke hums. His voice is deep and raspy, yet, when he hums, it comes out like a smooth tone. It's not perfect, but it's certainly listenable. He hums a song I've never heard before. One that sounds like a lullaby in fact.

He would usually stop when I creak open the door to sneak a little peak, obviously, though I would stand there for thirty minutes contemplating on if I should go in or not.

Maybe he's noticed how jumpy and weird I'm being around him. Sometimes, I want to slap myself because of how weird I'm suddenly acting around him because of this heart rush. I've had a crush before, but it's been so long that all these long built up feelings kind of explode.

Even my thoughts don't even make sense! Nothing makes sense nowadays!

"Oi. Rice girl."

"WHAT?" I shot my head up so fast and shouted as loud as I could ever shout. My shoulders were raised up and my hands were cupping my own cheeks, a stance similar to Mitsuri's when she's flustered or eating.

Inosuke raised his eyes brows and pulled one part of his lips into a straight line, his expression showing pure confusion and a million questions.

We were having bento together for a small lunch break. I asked around for all the best ingredients to fix up a quick bento. I heard him talking to Zenitsu about how he was hungry, so I may or may not have quickly grabbed all the ingredients and remembered his preferences in food and put it all in a bento.

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