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(November 9, 2020

Hello! Good morning / afternoon everyone! I hope you're all having a good week.

Just a quick announcement that I will have this fanfiction, koi no yokan \ Inosuke Hashibira, available on the Quotev website as well! It will have the same fanfiction title as well. Keep in mind, that I will still be publishing on Wattpad. I'm just expanding my circle just a little bit.

I'll start publishing it as soon as I get the hang of Quotev because if I'm being honest, I do not know how to navigate around it at all.

The reason why I'm having this fanfiction available on another site is because I've been experiencing some glitches and strange troubles happening on Wattpad including some of my chapter drafts being deleted and my account being logged out when I hadn't logged out before. I've been getting a bit paranoid about it and soon found out that rumors of hackers on Wattpad were going around.

So, that's basically it! I hope this doesn't cause any trouble or interfering with anything else. That was just a quick announcement.

Anyway, please continue reading along and have a fabulous day!


It was simple, quite simple, for me to perform this cut. Inosuke was backing me up, cutting its limps and pushing me up so I could end this demon. Even if it was a Former Lower Moon, I'm surprised it made it this long alive after the first elimination of the recent Lower Moon One.

Nonetheless, I'm rambling in my own thoughts at this point.

Right now, right at this very second, I have to focus on running right into this demon and killing it. Inosuke was already up ahead of me, his swords out in front of him. I could see his feet skid to a stop as he prepared to cleanly cut the limps of this demon.

It was like everything was happening so slowly, but clearly from the naked eye, it was a blink of an eye that we both performed this duo work. But when you're in the moment, everything seems so slow. Like a ticking clock pausing and hesitating as its gears suddenly quit working. Just as slowly as that moment passes, once you're out of it, looking back seems like the moment lasted a second.

I'm sure many others would agree with my thoughts. As you see the demon's head fall, faint pieces of its body started to break off and shatter into the wind, a lingering thought of "Oh, that wasn't so hard" is planted into my head.

The wind blowing calmly through the air, the ocean suddenly ceasing into a frozen state, seeing as the body of the demon limply falls onto the sandy shores. The upbringing of sand explodes into the air in a flash, but settles into the ground slowly. Everything seemed to be so peaceful. So quaint.

It reminds me briefly of stargazing on the rooftop with Shinobu, eating salmon with Tomioka, or even cooking with my uncle. As softly as a paintbrush slides against a canvas, as quiet as a baby bird first opening its eyes.

I couldn't focus my own eyes and thoughts on a single thing. What had happened? I defeated the demon of course. But what happened? Had I used the correct breathing technique? Had I swung my sword the correct the direction.

My body felt so different. Like a different kind of air and blood were floating through my veins. Something unknown was going on, but- the end was what I wanted.

Usually, I would come back from my missions hurt now since I've had a trouble controlling my emotions in battle. But- not a single limp was in pain. Not a single vein was torn. I felt completely fine.

All that mattered that the demon was defeated.

And then-

In a blink, just like a heartbeat, a single second of peace, there's the realization.

koi no yokan | inosuke hashibiraWhere stories live. Discover now