
1.2K 57 51

(November 16, 2020



I can proudly announce that koi no yokan | inosuke hashibira has officially reached 1,000 READS!

EEEEEEEEEEEE! Thank you so, so much! There isn't any words is any language or any emotion of any kind that can describe this INSANE happiness and thankfulness that's rushing inside of me.

A special 1K chapter will come out soon, just a little celebration chapter. To give a hint about what it is, it's going to be placed in the modern AU!

I don't want this message to be too long, so I'll leave it here, but again, just-

Thank you so much! <3



"What else have you done so far, (Y/N)?" Shinobu chirped up as she started to caress her fingers against my palm, all tight and wrapped in a new linen cloth. "We haven't seen you in so long, after all." Her deep purple eyes locked with mine, a nervous smile overcoming my face as I slowly nodded to her understanding.

Clearing my throat, my back straightening up, I breathed in a sip of clean air before exhaling the experiences I've gone through for the past four months. Sanemi Shinazugawa, the Wind Piller and my new teacher, has been assigning me on back-to-back missions. I did notice that they were all a five to ten mile difference between each mission.

In some of those missions, he'd meet me at the said destination so we could work together. I would say, the student to master relationship we grew is quite hard to work with if I want to know about his personal life. Unlike Tomioka, he would blatantly say that I have nothing to do with him and he's simply watching over me until Tomioka comes back.

Nonetheless, I've grown used to Shinazugawa's training ways and his harsh remarks and critiques. Some of the things he says, when he has a good day of course, definitely remind me of my uncle. Perhaps he got some of his sayings from him.

The missions he sends me have been more solo. Not that I had a problem with that, but I certainly would've enjoyed them much more if a familiar face was fighting alongside with me.

I would see Tanjiro when we cross mission paths, along with Zenitsu. We would engage in happy laughs and both ask about each other's day before having to run along back to our missions.

It's quite different when I see Inosuke.

We'd already sense each other like there's an automatic tie if we were a few miles within each other. And once we see each other? It's like a clash. We both run up to each other, him aiming to headbutt me while my arms are open up wide to embrace him in a hug.

Of course, one of us ends up with a bruise. But hey, I got my hug!

Just as I told him, I've been teaching him small letters and characters key to the reading and writing process. I can tell he's genuinely trying, holding an inking pen as his shaky hands try to perfectly spell out the characters in his name.

It's a slow process, but he's getting there!

Even if I've only crossed paths with him four times since our last meeting, at the ocean village, those moments have truly felt like months we've spent together.

Every now and then, I'd slap myself for kissing him on the cheek. Ever since then, he wouldn't stop asking about it over and over. I really dug myself into a little hole with a single confident move.

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