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(December 11, 2020

Hello everyone! This may be an important announcement depending on what or what not. You can scroll past this if you'd like!

I'm just here to report that when I publish chapter 6.0 or 7.0, this fanfiction will no longer be active.

Chapter 6.0 OR 7.0 will most likely be the end of the story.

Why? It's not that I don't have any motivation anymore, I still love writing and I still love Demon Slayer and Inosuke, it's that I don't want to bore you, the reader, to have to read at least 50 chapters. If you made it this far, it's been 38 chapters and the two characters haven't even kissed yet (not that they won't, because they most definitely will).

Please tell me if that's frustrating, because if it is please, please, please tell me in conversations or comments because I'd love to hear from the reader's feedback.

This whole reason is part of why I want to make chapters longer just so I don't have to release more chapters. Or, I may have to cut some scenarios short in order to push more time in.

Like I said, I still have motivation to write since writing is one of my strongest hobbies.

As a reader myself, my personal preference is that at least 70 chapters are too much.

Please let me know what you think! But otherwise, this is my plan for now as of December 14, 2020.

Have a lovely day and stay safe!



There was a pinch.

Then a second one.

And a third one.

A sigh left my lips, my legs curling to my chest as a sudden rush of heavy warmth spread to my lungs. Feeling a heavy blanket on my shoulders, I twisted around in my sleep as I let out a second sigh.

It wasn't until a fourth pinch on the back of my neck did my mind finally make itself up. My eyes felt like they both had weights on top of its eyelids. My whole body had an aching heaviness, something that I've never felt in a morning like this before.

It was also very hot.

Sweating hot.

"Holy.." My raspy morning voice whispered as I buried my head into the pillow. Licking my own lips, I twirled my body around so I was laying on my left once again.

With my eyes starting to settle, I could see, sideways, a crow twitching its head to and fro as my blurry sight tried its best to make it out.

It was Rita, my crow, the one who was pecking and pinching my cheeks. Now she was pecking at the lining of the sleeping mat. Her beady black eyes staring into mine, I could see the emptiness and pure terror in her eyes.

The sun was barely up, the room dimly lit by a light blue morning hue. The air was damp and thick, a chill breeze only silently slipping through the thin crack of the sliding door. It was still fairly dark, but bright enough for me to see my crow in full view.

It really was dawn. Rita must've woken me up.

"Rita," I sighed, my voice even softer and quieter then a whisper.  "Come he-"

I was nearly about to stretch my arm out in offering for her to perch on my wrist when I felt something tighten its wrap around my stomach.

Squealing, I clasped my hand over my mouth, biting the inside of my palm. Rita tilted her head, blinking her pitch black eyes as she hopped towards me once more. Poking at the few strands of my hair that was laid out in front of me, she jerked her head in a pulling motion.

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