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I've been so drained of my energy for the past- actually I don't even know how many days. A demon had cut my collarbone, so I tried my best to wrap it all up but it wouldn't stop bleeding. I forgot to count the nights and I truly felt like I was going to get left here. Maybe I was lost because I just kept running and running.

Passing by branch by branch of each tree, everything looked the same here. Worry was the only emotion I felt for the past few days. Worry of Kanao and if she's okay. Worry for myself and if I could make it out alive.

My right leg grew numb as I kept on running and jumping on it. The only time I could feel it ache would be when I would sit down or start to sleep in the day time.

Speaking of the day time, I barely got any rest since I couldn't climb high like I used to. I was stuck staying in the patches of the trees or in the spots on the ground where the sun was shining. I barely had any food left for me.

The demons I came across here were quite easy, reminding me of when I would spar with Tomioka when he'd take me to a demon-infested mountain. The wounds I got were simply when I was up against more than one demon. To me, that's cheating.

I tried to recall what the twins back at the beginning of the Selection said, but my mind would grow foggy or I would be interrupted by a demon.

I've been seeing fewer and fewer demon slayers the more the night progressed. Thinking about that only made me sad about the poor souls who didn't make it out this mountain alive. Since I had the high ground, I would see some running along and fight demons. But I've been seeing less and little to no one running around.

This made me even more worried about the well being of the people I encountered. I came across this yellow-haired boy who couldn't fight for himself. Luckily, I saved him just in time. I was going to go on my way when he begged for me to follow him.

Feeling really bad for myself and him, I had to leave him sadly.

Thinking again to everyone I came across, the one who stood out the most was Inosuke, the boar headed boy with a pretty face. His blunt and straight forward attitude probably scared all the demons around him. 

I dismissed the thought of him out of my mind.

Just as I did so, I suddenly saw a purple hue seep in through the branches of the dark trees. It was a totally different world from where the purple was. It was also a sign of the end of the Final Selection.

A sudden adrenaline rush exploded in my body. All my energy was immediately regained. Every branch I jumped off of, I nearly broke just by putting so much force on it.

I was getting so close, I started to see each individual stalk of the wisteria trees. I noticed that the air was also getting so much cooler and breathable as I approached the light.

Jumping off my last branch, I rolled onto the dirt ground, tucking my arms in my chest. My lungs started to sting as my right leg shock a roar of pain up my body. Lifting up my upper body, I looked up to the wisteria trees hanging above me.

Just like I first saw them, small purple petals were raining down and fell onto the top of my head. I felt my wound on my collarbone open up. A smile resting onto my face was formed as my arms gave in and I collapsed onto the dirt floor.

My chest was heaving up and down as I stared up at the trees. Soon enough, I could feel the ground underneath me slowly pitter and patter. They were slowly shaking. Someone was approaching me. I was positive it wasn't a demon since demons can't stand the smell of wisteria. It's a poison to them.

"Oh, it's you," I chuckled while sipping air through my mouth.

Bending down and looking straight at me with his hands on his hips was Inosuke. The eyes of his mask were staring right down at me.

koi no yokan | inosuke hashibiraWhere stories live. Discover now