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Surprisingly, he listened to me, despite his blunt and rude attitude. He would insult me from time to time, but since I was used to it with Sanemi's insults, Tomioka's criticism, and some childhood memories, I felt a little used to it. Most of his insults seemed like I've heard them before anyway. He called me weak, stupid, stubborn, blunt, and weird. I simply nodded my head as he rambled on.

I offered for him to use my crutch, but he just pushed me away, literally. I teetered on my leg a few times because of it.

Occasionally he'd ask, "Where the hell are we going?"

I tried to explain it the best I could, saying we were going to a Wisteria House*. Of course, he simply shrugged the thought off and tried to challenge me in who could hop the fastest.

"Inosuke, we're almost there now..." I grudgingly sigh as I slouched my back forward. My right shoulder hurt from having the crutch move so much. My left shoulder hurt from having my uniform bag slung tightly around my body.

Inosuke flipped his whole body around. "REALLY?"

I nodded my heavy head in reply.

"SHIT! FINALLY!" He groaned loudly. It was almost like a roar. "I'M NEVER FOLLOWING YOU AGAIN! NOW LET'S SEE WHO CAN MAKE IT THERE FIRST!" He lifted his leg up, ready to pound and sprint on the ground.

I simply sighed, having to bear with this for the hundredth time today. "Sorry Inosuke, but with your condition, I don't think you'll end up any better then you are now..."

"PPFFT! YOU THINK I'M WEAK DON'T YOU?" He smirked with a maniac laugh musing out of him. "Like I'd let you think that..."

I raised up my arms and slowly waved them in front of me. My eyes were drooping, so it might've looked like I was falling asleep at this point. "I just don't want your wound to worsen..." I let out a yawn that I've been keeping in for a while now, a quiet gasp coming out of me.

Inosuke flinched, his shoulders tensing up as he let out a raspy cough. He placed his hands beside him. "I'm not going to get hurt. As if I'd let anything weak hurt me, the Gr-"

"Yeah, yeah, the Great Lord Inosuke... Lord and King of the Mountains..." I yawned out once more. I didn't want to feel fed up about his spunky and prideful attitude, but it was really taking a toll on me now since I was truly exhausted.

He let out a hoarse cackle, puffing up his chest with his arms crossed as he leaned back ever so slightly with his head hanging up high. This guy really loves the compliments. A little smile kept on tugging the corner of my lips as I tilted my head down.

"Come on, um..." I paused for a while, my head in the clouds.



"SUKE! THE GREAT LORD INO-SUKE!" He waved his arms in the air in an X-formation, forming an X in the air as he dropped his arms to the side. "EE-NO-SK-"

"Ino." I chuckled a little, my eyes looking away from him. "Is it okay if I call you that?"

As I bobbed my head up, a wide smile on my face, he had his arms frozen in the air. He's been freezing a lot. I have no idea why, but it happens at such random occurrences. His shoulders relaxed as he slouched forward a little and let out a quiet and raspy exhale.

At the corner of my eye, I could see a rooftop. My excitement peaked as I messingly turned around.

"Ino! Look! It's the Wisteria House. We're almost there!" I giggled as I swung my crutch forward at such quick speeds. I could match anyone who was jogging. "Come on! Unless you want me to win!"

koi no yokan | inosuke hashibiraWhere stories live. Discover now