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Amara's POV

The next morning, Amara felt the weight of the previous night's events lingering in the air

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The next morning, Amara felt the weight of the previous night's events lingering in the air. She decided it was time to talk to her dad and brothers about everything that had happened. She needed their advice and support now more than ever.

After getting Namiko settled with her breakfast and some cartoons, Amara picked up her phone and called her dad.

"Hey, Dad, can you come over? We need to talk," she said, trying to keep her voice steady.

Her dad's voice was warm and concerned on the other end. "Of course, sweetheart. I'll be there in a bit."

Within half an hour, her dad arrived. Amara welcomed him in, and they sat down at the kitchen table.

"Dad, Namiko had a nightmare last night," Amara began, her voice soft but filled with worry. "She was so scared. She dreamt about Jabari being angry and couldn't find me. I hate that she's going through this."

Her dad frowned, his brow furrowing deeply. "I'm sorry, Amara. It's hard on her, especially with Jabari's behavior. What did Hakeem say about it?"

Amara took a deep breath. "He did his best to comfort her. He was great. But I can't shake the feeling that this isn't over. Jabari showed up at the playground yesterday and confronted Hakeem. It got pretty heated."

Her dad's face darkened. "That man has no boundaries. Hakeem handled it alright?"

"Yeah, he did. But it wasn't easy. Jabari was disrespectful, calling me names and causing a scene. Hakeem stood up for me, for Namiko. But I know it's not the last we'll see of Jabari," Amara said, her voice tinged with frustration.

Her dad reached across the table, squeezing her hand. "You're doing the right thing, Amara. Hakeem's a good man, and it sounds like he's got your back. But you need to make sure Namiko feels safe. Maybe talk to a professional about her nightmares, too."

Amara nodded. "Thanks, Dad. I'll look into that. And thanks for always being here for us."

After their talk, Amara called her brothers—Tae, Shawn, Dai, Will, and Caleb—and asked them to come over. She needed to fill them in on everything that had happened and get their perspective.

Once they arrived, they all gathered in the living room. Amara took a deep breath, ready to dive into the conversation.

"So, Jabari pulled some nonsense yesterday," Amara started, her voice steady but with an edge. "He showed up at the playground while Hakeem was with Namiko and started talking all kinds of trash. Hakeem stood up for us, but it almost got physical."

Tae frowned. "Jabari always been a problem, but this is a whole new level. What exactly did he say?"

Amara shook her head. "Called me names, tried to claim Hakeem had no right to be with Namiko. It was ugly. But Hakeem kept his cool as best he could."

Shawn crossed his arms, his expression serious. "Hakeem did right by you, but Jabari needs to understand he can't keep doing this. We gotta handle this."

Will nodded in agreement. "Facts. We can't let him keep disrespecting you and scaring Namiko. We need to make sure he knows there's a line he can't cross."

Caleb chimed in. "Yeah, we should all have a sit-down with him, make it clear. He steps outta line again, he'll have all of us to answer to."

Amara felt a surge of gratitude for her brothers. "I appreciate you all. Hakeem's been amazing through all this, but knowing you've got our backs means everything. We gotta stick together for Namiko's sake."

Dai, always the quiet one, finally spoke. "We got you, Amara. Jabari's not gonna keep messing with our family. We'll make sure he knows that."

Amara looked around at her brothers, feeling a renewed sense of strength. With her dad's wisdom and her brothers' support, she knew they could face whatever Jabari threw their way. And with Hakeem by her side, she felt more confident than ever that they would protect Namiko and give her the safe, loving home she deserved.

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