CH- 21 - The Spilling Secrets

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After disconnecting the call with Caspian, Liora jumped out of bed and quickly changed into her previous clothes, discarding the swimsuit. She then messaged Daran she was uncomfortable about swimming, and asked if they could do something else.

'I hope Daran doesn't cancel on me?' Liora worried. She had only one friend in this entire school. He wanted to go swimming, and she cancelled it after agreeing to it first. If only she had more friends!

Why would kids from backgrounds like her not talk to her? That was one mystery she needed to untangle.

But Daran replied, giving her hope; he, indeed, was her friend. He was not angry; instead, he suggested they explore the area and take some beautiful pictures.

Daran and Liora strolled along the lakeside. They noticed a path leading towards the mountains, cutting through a dense forest as they walked. The air between them was comfortable.

"Who is in your family?" Daran asked, initiating a casual conversation.

"My mother and I."

"And your father?" Daran continued.

"He is no more," she said quietly.

"I am sorry, Liora! I didn't know. Do you mind me asking what happened?"

The easiness suddenly vanished, and Liora's mood turned gloomy within a minute. Her uneasiness was reflected on her face. "He... he... he..." Her breath grew heavy, and she clenched her fists.

Daran quickly realised his mistake. He read her face thoroughly. "You don't have to say it if it hurts so much, Liora," Daran interjected gently. "I don't need to know."

"He was murdered." But before Daran could change the topic, Liora blurted out.

His eyes widened in shock. New questions popped up in his mind, but he refrained from giving them a voice. He had already troubled Liora by bringing up such a sensitive topic, and he didn't want to worsen the situation when he should have made her happy.

"Liora, please forgive me. I didn't know." A wave of guilt crashed over him for having broached such a painful topic.

Liora released a shaky breath while moving her brown strands away from her face. "It's fine, Daran, I don't mind sharing it with you. You are my only friend here."

"Did the police catch the culprit?" Unable to contain his curiosity, Daran asked carefully.

Liora shook her head. "No, they did not." Liora sounded disappointed. "But I know because of whom it happened."

"Who?" Daran's curiosity piqued.

"My father's younger brother." She said with bitterness, holding a deep resentment towards him.

Daran's eyes widened in shock. "Your... uncle?"

"Yes! It all began with him. He ruined our lives and left me without my father. Trust me Daran, I am going to find him one day." Her voice shifted to an icy tone, and Daran noticed that change.

"What will you do after finding him?"

"Maybe kill him." She muttered so quietly that only those closest to her could hear. However Daran, ears were too sharp to miss.

A moment of silence later, he spoke gently.

"Sometimes it's better to let go of the past to find peace in life."

Liora met his gaze but didn't say a word.

"What about your family?" she asked, changing the subject.

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