CH-67- Cheers!

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Miracle's eyes widened in horror as she saw the trace line closing in on her location. The clock was ticking, and each second was bringing her closer to being discovered.

Her heart raced, but her mind remained sharp. She scanned the room, taking in the sight of her beloved computers, the hardware she had spent years building, fine-tuning, and perfecting.

These machines were more than just tools; they were extensions of her identity. But now, they were the very things that could lead her enemies straight to her.

With a deep breath, Miracle made the decision. She reached under her desk, where a series of emergency switches and tools were hidden. Her hands trembled, but there was no hesitation. She yanked open the panel, revealing the circuits and wiring that powered her entire network.

The screen in front of her flashed a final warning, the trace line mere seconds from locking in on her coordinates. Miracle grabbed a heavy wrench from a drawer, her grip tight as she stared at the machines that had been her lifeline for so long. Without another thought, she brought the wrench down with all her might, smashing into the heart of her setup.

Sparks flew as the circuits shattered, and the screens flickered into darkness.

She grabbed a small, pre-packed bag from under her desk. As she left the room, she took one last look at the destruction she had wrought. Her sanctuary was no more, but she was still free. For now.

Miracle moved quickly and slipped into the isolated church. The ancient wooden doors creaked shut behind her, and she immediately reached for her untraceable phone, sending a single, coded message.

This was the agreed-upon protocol, and their emergency fallback would be if everything went wrong. After an hour, Dane arrived. His face was filled with concern as he hurried over to her.

"Miracle, are you alright?" Dane's voice was low but urgent.

"Yes, I'm fine," Miracle replied, but her tone betrayed her frustration. She looked down, her brow furrowed in thought.

"My network got hacked... I misjudged them. They were always ahead of me right from the start."

Dane frowned, not fully grasping the situation. "Miracle, I'm not following you. Let's sit down, and you can explain everything to me from the beginning."

He handed her a water bottle, and she accepted it. She took a long drink, wiped her mouth, and then began to speak. "Team Ruthless—they knew they were being hacked. There must be a fifth member, someone operating from the outside. And they almost had found my location."

Miracle's fist came down hard on the desk before her in her frustration, but her knuckles hurt. Dane quickly placed a calming hand on her shoulder.

"Miracle, this is a church. No violence here."

She glanced at him, a mix of frustration and regret in her eyes. She was angry at herself for missing the signs and underestimating her opponents. She should have been more cautious and vigilant.

"I think they knew all along that someone had breached Gambino's network. They set a trap, and I walked right into it. How could I be so dumb....I hate myself for it."

Dane squeezed her shoulder, trying to offer some comfort. "The important thing is that you're safe, and they didn't find your location. Everything is good. We can catch them again."

But Miracle wasn't soothed. Her anger simmered beneath the surface, not directed at Dane but at the situation, at herself. "I had to destroy everything," she said, her voice low and filled with a quiet fury.

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