CH - 56 - Is it kissable?

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After Rihana and Pearl went for a walk, Caspian sank into the soft, plush leather couch, allowing himself to relax. His eyes were drawn to delicate patterns of sunlight that danced through the windows before he turned his attention back to James, who sat across from him. His legs were casually stretched out, an amused glint in his eyes.

"How's everything over there?" Caspian asked in a casual, almost disinterested tone. He asked it out of formality, not expecting much in return.

Caspian wanted to relax, not talk. He was tired, not just physically but mentally. Pearl's endless chatter and insatiable need for attention had worn him out.

It sometimes got on Caspian's nerves and he felt like storming out the next moment but then, he remembered his mission. He could not disappoint his grandfather and let his years of hard work go in vain. Never!

Every time he managed to get Pearl to stop talking, it was only because they were tangled up in each other, their naked bodies rubbing against each other, speaking a language only they could understand. He tried to burn out the restlessness she carried like a curse or when she fell asleep.

Caspian looked around the living room, but there wasn't a single place left that remained free from their passions. He needed James's help here.

Due to endless sex, lack of sleep, and Pearl's chatter, he really did not get time to think in the direction of Liora. It was like that part of his life had been cut and thrown away.

'After the drug addiction retreat, Pearl might need to do a sex addiction retreat.' He scorned inside.

"All good... well, actually, some interesting things are happening on campus," James replied, carrying a playful lilt that immediately alerted Caspian.

Caspian raised an eyebrow, leaning forward slightly. "Are we gossiping now?" he asked, genuinely astonished.

'Since when did James, who was usually more interested in his programming projects or discussing new ways to get intimate with Pearl to make her happy, care about campus chatter?'

James couldn't help but grin, seeing the mild confusion on Caspian's face. "Cas, you wanna hear this, trust me," he said, mockingly serious.

"Donovan is changing," James continued with his deliberate light tone, but his words were sharp enough to slice through Caspian's informal attitude.

Caspian's eyes narrowed. "Changing? What do you mean?" The question came out clipped, his interest is now thoroughly piqued.

"There's a new side of him I never knew existed," James said, almost as if he were savouring the moment.

"The whole campus is talking about it."

Caspian's mind flickered back to that image he'd seen—the one of Donovan and Liora's closeness on the bus. His jaw tightened, and he nervously bit the inside of his lip as he glanced to the side, trying to maintain his composure. "James, get to the point."

But James was ready to be quick, his eyes twinkling with amusement, "He's been very... caring. Holding hands, showing a romantic side we've never seen before."

"Hmmm. Okay," Caspian replied, forcing indifference into his tone. "I don't care about Donovan. What he does with Rihana doesn't interest me in the slightest."

"Ja, but—" James started, but Caspian cut him off.

Caspian snapped, irritation creeping into his words, "I couldn't care less about his life."

Why was James pushing him like this? He knew better—knew Caspian didn't have patience for these games.

James, however, was enjoying this far too much. He could almost hear the tension in Caspian's voice, like a taut string ready to snap.

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