CH- 33 - I feel like a pervert

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After handling everything—my late friends, whom Liora called beasts, and my grandfather's assignments—it took nine long years, and I was finally ready to return to Liora.

'How is it that life tests me so much?'

Everything would have been perfect if my grandpa hadn't given Liora the latest iPhone model, which I had no access to anymore.

Just because I was out of touch for two months, my grandpa decided to play a dangerous game, and Liora took it purely as revenge.

In Avalon, my family ruled. But here in L.A., everyone had their place. As long as you don't rub someone in the wrong place, you're safe.

The police wouldn't bug you if you followed the rules in public places and kept them happy from under the table. Not all, but many enjoyed an extra sprinkle of sugar.

And the Quantum Future? It was a hub where students from affluent backgrounds came together to pursue their studies and forge early alliances for future gains. It was a breeding ground for future partnerships and profit-making ventures. Alongside privileged students, genuine scholars also pursued their studies here.

We didn't mix with students from other backgrounds; their lives were separate from ours. They were of no use to us. So why bother to get engaged with them, right?

Only scholars who could benefit us made it into the inner circle of privileged kids. Of course, they also seized the opportunity without batting an eye as an easy way to reach the top.

Some girls dreamt of dating rich guys so they could pamper them with expensive gifts, dates and vacations. It also elevated their social status and allowed them an opportunity to enter the most sophisticated circle.

I wasn't interested in them, but I was not against it either if they were willing to be taken advantage of by others.

'The most important rule of the world is give and take. Nothing comes free, whether it's business, friendship, education, politics, love, marriage, or even trust.'

My biggest fear - the whole university knew about my relationship with Pearl. After seeing one picture on Instagram, Ora was ready to abandon me.

What would she do once she discovered about Pearl?

And what would Pearl do after finding out about Liora?

Now that I thought of it, maybe I should have confined Liora to her favourite room for her own safety.

After speaking with Grandpa and Mrs.Valentine, I returned to L.A. Liora was definitely in L.A. Now, I needed to find out if she had also applied to the same university as mine.

At the Quantum Future campus

Quantum University was a massive campus that felt like a royal palace. Its impressive buildings had tall towers and beautiful stone decorations that mixed old-fashioned castles with modern styles.

The campus was like a maze of paths that led to different buildings where students studied various courses. In the middle was a big courtyard with a fountain and marble benches. Students sat here to share ideas and opinions or enjoy the peaceful view.

Residential halls where students lived were like small palaces, too, with charming rooms and all the latest technology at their aid to make their lives simpler and convenient. From the windows, you could see the whole campus spread like a whole new world.

The huge multistory library was the heart of the university. It was enormous, with high ceilings and shelves that went on forever. The library had a sea of collections of both old and new books. Just name it, and you will find it there. There was every kind of information source you would need to learn about anything and everything.

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