65 - The conflict between vampires and werewolves

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***Disclaimer**** - This chapter content abuse. 

At the beach, Rhythm like every day woke up at 4 a.m. Her internal clock naturally pulled her from sleep every day, no matter how late she slept. It was still dark at this time.

She noticed the warm blankets covering them, shielding them from the early morning chill. Beneath them, another blanket had been carefully placed on the sand, making their resting spot even cosier.

None of this had been there when they had dozed off on the beach.

Rhythm sat up slowly, careful not to disturb Sia and Liora, who were still sleeping peacefully beside her. She was relieved that Liora hadn't been disturbed by any nightmares.

Her gaze softened as she noticed how Liora had made Donovan's palm her pillow. And Donovan, too, was asleep beside her, maintaining a respectful distance of about a hand's length. Rhythm looked at them for quite some time. 'A couple with respectful distance.' She thought.

Rhythm rubbed her eyes and stretched her arms, easing the stiffness in her muscles from sleeping on the sand. She turned her head to the left and was jolted back a little to see Logan and Kai sleeping near her side.

Logan had chosen a spot farther away from her, which made her smile. On one side was Kai and Logan, and on the other, it was Donovan. 'Looks like the guys were trying to protect us in their sleep,'

she chuckled softly. She appreciated their respectful gesture. 'Such a gentlemen these guys are!'

Rhythm quietly rose to her feet and began to make her way back to the house, ready to start her daily morning routine.

As the sun rose, its light gradually spread across Los Angeles. The sleepy heads started to stir from their slumber.

Donovan was the first to fully wake up, feeling slight pain in his palm, which had gone numb from serving as Liora's pillow.

He didn't move immediately, though, not wanting to disturb the moment. He opened his eyes fully and turned his face to see Liora, only to find Liora already awake; with her drowsy gaze, she was looking at him.

For a few heartbeats, they simply looked at each other. Liora was lying on her side while Donovan lay on his back, his head turned toward her, his free arm resting against his temple.

And the moment was interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. They both turned their heads to see Sia sitting up, stretching, and smiling warmly at Liora.

"Good morning, Liora. Good morning, guys. Let's go get ready," Sia enthusiastically suggested.

"Thank you guys for the blankets." She felt incredibly refreshed after the much-needed sleep on the beach since they'd gone without sleep the day before.

The trio—Kai, Logan, and Donovan—sat up, with Kai running a hand through his hair to tame it, Logan stretching out his limbs, and Donovan flexing his hand, opening and closing his palm that had served as a pillow.

"Where's Rhythm?" Logan asked, looking around.

Sia chuckled while combing her fingers through her messy hair. "She's inside! She's an early bird—up at 4 AM every day like the enthusiastic little sunrise she is!"

"4 AM? " Logan raised an eyebrow, half-amused, half-impressed.

Sia grinned, "It's just how we roll in our house! As for me," she flipped her hair with exaggerated drama, "I've been enjoying my 'princess sleep', ever since I arrived in L.A."

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