43- Gold Digger

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Daran arranged a thick rope, complete with iron hooks, which was usually used in climbing training, as Liora had requested.

The next day, she woke up at 4:30 a.m. and set out for her usual morning run. As the dawn light began to filter through the trees, she reached the spot where Sven frequently held his meetings with female students.

She stood at the base of the sturdy oak tree, gripping the iron hook attached to a thick rope. Taking a deep breath, she focused her mind and swung the hook upwards. It soared through the air, only to land on the ground with a dull thud.

The first few attempts she made were clumsy. The hook missed its mark, and the rope slipped from her grasp. Then she adjusted her stance, trying to feel the iron's weight and the texture of the rope. With full determination, she swung again.

With each throw, her aim improved. A small smile played on her lips as she watched the iron hook finally secure itself on the branch after attempting ten times in a row.

Now came the more daunting task of climbing. She grabbed the rope; the knots tied at intervals provided some assistance. 

The initial climbs were not graceful. Her movements were jerky and uncoordinated. She slipped several times, scraping her palms and bruising her shins, but she did not give up.

However, with every try, she honed in on her deliberate movements, fully in tune with the balance, strength, and coordination needed to ascend. Starting with caution, she carefully positioned her feet on the knots, her hands intuitively gripping the rope as her confidence surged with every upward step.

As the morning started to get brighter, she no longer hesitated to climb up. Her breath came in controlled bursts, and her muscles worked in harmony.

The tree that once challenged her now felt like a partner in her training. She had conquered the tree.

Exhausted but satisfied, Liora finally headed back to her room. Her t-shirt was wet with sweat that also dripped from her hair. She showered, letting the hot water soothe her aching muscles, and got ready for the day. Her mind was already strategizing the next steps in her plan.

She arrived early on campus to deliver her letter to Caspian. The campus was still relatively quiet as she made her way to his locker. Making sure nobody was watching her, she slipped the letter into his locker.


You cheated....

You found out I am in Law class through administration.

But it's ok. I forgive you.

It was nice to see you in my class. I blushed so much when I saw you that I was scared you would find me easily. But I guess many other females had the same reaction to seeing your handsome face.

When I saw my letter held by your strong arm, I wondered, why am I not in your arms instead of the letter? I was jealous of that letter. Silly, right?

But do you know what I wish? I wish that you .......

Find me!

Love, Ora

She took a moment to step back, feeling her emotions swirl like the graceful movements of a tango, causing a ticklish sensation in her abdomen.

The thought of him reading her words, his eyes scanning the paper she had touched, filled her heart with a sweet longing. The intense game she was playing kept her connected to him in a way that nothing else could.

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