CH- 22 - Last chance

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This chapter contains mature scene - Physical and mental abuse.

After savouring dark chocolate ice cream topped with cherries, Liora and Daran made their way to the card reader's stall. The line had dwindled, unlike the food and drink stalls, which were bustling with people.

Liora glanced at her watch. It was already 8 pm. Time had slipped away so fast that she didn't even realise it.

When their turn came, Liora and Daran sat down, and Liora handed over 15 euros for the card reading.

The older woman, dressed in black with matching black nail polish and sitting behind a black-decked table, spread the cards out in front of Liora. With a mix of excitement and curiosity, Liora carefully selected three cards.

The card reader began to turn over the cards one by one, her eyes narrowing as she studied each image. The flickering lanterns glow warmly over the table, adding an air of mystery to the moment. Liora and Daran leaned in, eager to hear what the cards would reveal about Liora's future.

"What is your name?" The elderly woman asked, her voice low and gravelly. "Show me your left palm."

"Liora," she replied, glancing at Daran before offering her left palm to the card reader.

The older woman traced the lines on Liora's palm. With every ticking second, her expression grew serious. "Child, there are dark clouds around you. But I see one ray of light piercing through the darkness, trying to reach you."

She let go of Liora's palm and again looked at the three cards Liora had chosen. "There is a big change coming," the woman continued, her eyes fixed on Liora.

"You will find yourself in a situation where it's either kill or be killed. And... you will betray the very person who will love you with the greatest devotion."

'This must be a joke.' Liora thought. There was no way she would ever betray Caspian.

"You are wrong. I do not believe this." Liora stood up, glaring at the woman. "This is nonsense!"

Daran tried to calm her, but Liora ran away without waiting for another moment. Daran quickly got up and ran after her, his footsteps pounding against the earth as he tried to catch up.

The elderly woman called out in a very low voice, barely above a whisper, "Clutch on to that ray of light, child."


Silvia, who was nearby, overheard the entire conversation the group spoke. Sweat began to bead on her forehead as anxiety set in. She hurriedly placed her drink on the bar and found an isolated corner where she was out of earshot.

She immediately pulled out her phone and dialled Ronnie's number, but there was no answer. She tried Kevin next, but there was still no response. With desperation mounting in her, she called Andreas, but again, silence. Finally, she dialled Hanuel, and to her relief, he picked up.

"What are you guys planning for Liora?" Silvia demanded.

"Who told you?"

"Don't try to fool me, Hanuel. I heard everything. What are you guys planning?" Silvia insisted.

"There's a reason none of us informed you, Silvia. We knew you'd be against it." He chuckled.

"Hanuel, don't do anything to her. I'm the only one who can bully and punish her." She screamed over the phone. "It's only me! Not you. Do you understand?" Silvia's voice shook with a mixture of fear and anger.

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