CH 31 - Three biggest revenue streams

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(A few months before Liora's departure to L.A.)

After meticulously investigating and finding every detail of the individuals and locations involved in Gambino's cybercrime operation, I and my small but dedicated circle of friends gathered damning evidence with Dane and his friend's help, who was a cyber expert. He launched a comprehensive online exposé while securing the IP address where it was uploading to social media platforms.

They posted the scammers' faces, videos of the places and locations where the crime was taking place, and detailed documents proving their fraudulent activities.

They also listed the names of the victims who had been scammed, spreading this information across every social media platform.

The files were sent to European governments and every police department involved, along with victim's testimonials, ensuring that no authority could suppress the evidence.

Could Gambino suppress this with his influence? No, not at least this level. The media and people's response was explosive. Victims and their families protested in front of the mayor's office, calling for immediate action.

The authorities had no choice but to respond swiftly as the world watched them. The properties were seized, perpetrators were arrested, and bank accounts were frozen.

Gambino's €80 million yearly revenue empire crumbled. 'This is my second gift to you, Gambino.'

Unfortunately, Gambino's name did not appear anywhere, as the activity happened under a different person's name. So Gambino's ass was saved from getting burned. But I was satisfied.

Dane and I took Liora on a picnic in a vast park to celebrate our first successful mission. It was a small victory, but I felt a deep sense of satisfaction, knowing I was keeping my promise to my late husband.

Laying a blanket on the lush green grass, we settled on it along with a basket full of snacks, sandwiches and drinks. The pleasant atmosphere added to our happiness as we enjoyed our time.

"You guys look happy today. What's the deal?" asked Liora, raising one eyebrow curiously while she munch on her favourite chocolate chip cookie.

I glanced at Dane with a playful smile before answering, "Did you not like it, Ora?"

Liora chuckled. "Of course, Mama, I liked it. You know I love picnics with the family. But you guys look extra happy today. So, are you guys engaged?"

Dane spat out the juice he had just drank, his eyeballs popping out of his skull. But how could I blame him when my face mirrored the same shock?

"Of course not!!" Dane and I squeaked almost simultaneously, our voices overlapping.

Momentarily taken aback by Liora's unexpected question, we both laughed nervously, trying to find the right words to ease the awkwardness.

Enjoying our red faces, Liora grinned. "Chill, I was just joking," she teased, enjoying the playful banter.

I could see how Dane wanted to say something, however he chose not to and looked away, busying himself with the bottle of juice.

The park around us was full with life. Families and groups of friends gathered in the park for a picnic; each group had a small grill oven. The crackling sounds of charcoal and the sizzle of cooking food filled the air, carrying the tantalizing aroma of barbecue.

Children darted around, chasing each other and throwing pieces of bread to the ducks swimming in the nearby pond. Birds fluttered about, drawn by the promise of food and adding to the lively atmosphere with their chirping.

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