Chapter 49

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Waking up to two women by your sides, with one of them cuddling you, and one of them holding your hand. Emeralds, blues, and silvers mixing together to create the perfect color, the perfect view to start anyone's morning. Looking at my left, there was a gorgeous woman with a small smile on her face. She was gripping my hand, unwilling to let go in her sleep as a strand of wavy dark black hair fell on her face. I wondered if she was dreaming, for she would mouth words, as if she was whispering. I'd lean in to study her lips, to figure out what she was saying, but I was never really talented at lip reading. Looking at my right, there was another gorgeous woman with her lips slightly parted. Her arm was over my waist, caging me next to her as she scooted closer to my side. Even though her shining blonde hair was all over the place, she still managed to look ethereal.. and adorable, all at the same time. It wasn't everyday that you'd get to see a demigoddess sleeping with her mouth open, it truly was such an odd yet heartwarming sight.

Not to mention how well our bodies fit together. It was as if the three of us were pieces from a puzzle, and once solved, a blend of our colors would appear in this sort of abstract-like painting. I wanted to imagine it with all of these peculiar shapes with different sizes, but all were signifying each of our individual personalities. My shapes would be full of these weird circles that stretch all throughout the painting. Mallory's would be triangles of all sizes, all squeezed together in a tight space. Gaia's would be stars and the moon, but terribly altered and were placed in the most random spots in the painting. When put together, the shapes would then turn into this complex yet subtle image of a.. of what? What could symbolize the three of us all together?

My circles, my blues, Mallory's triangles, her emeralds, Gaia's stars, and her silvers, what would happen if I mixed everything? Would that even work? If it did, what would it look like? I wondered if I'll ever be able to see it. But whatever it was, whatever it will be, or whatever it looked like, I'm sure it had each of us there, although hidden.

Thinking of this whilst being wrapped between the warmth of my mates' bodies proved to be quite the challenge for someone as dirty minded as I was. Perhaps I couldn't think of any image because of how clear I could hear their breathing, or how soft their skins felt against mine. Hell, I should have been wondering how I kept my cool until now.. when I've just realized...

Gaia's breasts were pressing against me, her hardened nipples poking, teasing me. On the other hand, my fingers, although intertwined with Mallory's, were dangerously close to her core, as if taunting me. If I were any other feeble minded buffoon, I'd immediately spring into action and touch them whilst they slept, but I wasn't, and I knew my mates wanted their sleep, thus I did not do anything. Instead, I averted my eyes from their bodies, and I chose to stare at the ceiling, something I've grown strangely used to.

I should probably just sleep once more. But then again.. I've already tried earlier, and no matter how hard I closed my eyes, I just couldn't sleep longer than I usually did. Perhaps it was because I've already slept for too long, or perhaps it was because of everything I went through, but I felt dismayed at the thought of not sleeping longer.

"Willow? Are you there? I'll count to five before I open the door."

My eyes widened, and I quickly tried to stand up when I heard Weiss' voice. Unfortunately, because my mates were still stronger than me, I couldn't free myself from their hold, thus I had no choice but to frantically wiggle between them, in hopes of waking them up.

Beside me, Gaia began groaning lowly, her voice husky as she asked, "W-What?"

"W-Wake up, please, Weiss is opening the door!" I didn't want to traumatize her with an image of her naked baby sister in bed, with obvious marks all over her body, and her two naked mates. Oh god, I didn't even want to think of what will happen if Weiss ever sees us like this.

𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now