chapter one: new parent?

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A/N mentions of abuse

Siobhans pov:

Today I have to work at the knight nursery. I don't get along well with the other staff members at all. I don't bother speaking to them, they just see me as a gold digging toxic work partner but I have to convince myself that I am so much more then that although some days it's hard to belive...

I walk into the kitchen, and I am greeted by Roger. This is going to be fun he went out last night and is dealing with a hang over, lucky for him, he didn't have to go through all the pain that I went through with his anger.

When he came in, he was falling everywhere. It's was obvious that he had been drinking all day.

He walked towards me and started calling me names.

"Oi you fucking Slag get your arse over here right now."

I was so nervous I didn't want to go towards him but I knew that if I didn't I would be in so much pain.

He stumbled towards me before I could even move.

He starts repeatedly punching me and hitting me.

He only ever views me as a punching bag or his stupid little sex doll I am so sick of him I'm ready to leave to be honest but I can't.

He is so much stronger then what I am and I can't leave even if I wanted to. He has all of my money, my house and my body.

He owns me. It makes me feel sick.

Everyday before heading to the knight nursery I have to cover my self head to toe in makeup so that nobody can see the bruises that I have hiding under my long sleeved shirt and my baggy trousers.

Today is quite a warm day but I know that I can't wear shots and a vest lime everyone else. I couldn't if I wanted to.

If anyone finds out what he's putting me through I'll be the one that has to pay for that.

Before heading to work, I head into the kitchen and flash backs of last night come flooding back as I see roger stood in the kitchen.

He hands me a coffee and apologizes before handing me a warm cup of coffee. This is what he does, he spends all night hitting me and using me them the next morning he treats me well.

Nervously, I take the coffee out of his hand and head out the front door.

I set off to the knight nursery dreading the day. It sucks not having anyone to talk to then when I return home, it just gets worse because of him.

I arrive at the Knight nursery and I walk into the office so that I can cover for autumn.

"Siobhan." Marjorie says coldly I don't say anything back I can't be arsed dealing with it. I've got enough going on as it is.

The day moves along quite fast. The nursery closed at 6pm but reece came to collect Marjorie at half past 4 so they can go see clodagh and sorschas baby. This is the love that I so desperately wanted but deep down I knew that It would never happen.

6pm rolls around and most children  have gone home.

Roger starts spam calling and messaging me to find out when I'd be back. Stupidly I answer him.

This stupid parent is going to cause me so much pain when I arrive home.

I was sat in the office alone with just Roger on the phone for a good 10 minutes before a parent FINALLY walks in.

She comes straight to the office and apologizes for being late. No amount of apology is going to pay for the pain I'm going to be In when I finally arrive home.

I tell Roger that I have to go because the parent finally arrived. He starts shouting but I hang up. I'm going to regret that later.

Parent: "hiya." In a chirpy voice

Me: "yes." I responded trying to hide my fear because of Roger.

Parent: "hello uhm where's Marjorie and autumn." She asked she seems so happy I wonder what that feels like.

I tell her that autumn is off sick and a parent has had a baby so she has gone to see it.

She gives me a blank stare. And says:

"Most people don't refer to a baby as an it."

"I'm not most people." I reply coldly.

"Clearly." The way she said this made my blood boil I don't know why but it just did.

She hands me Jamie's reply slip for the next walk to the park and apologizes for collecting late.

She gave me a quick smile before heading out.

I don't know why but she made me mad but I couldn't help notice that there was something about her that calmed my nerves.

My nerves went crazy when I opened my phone to see 154 more messages from Roger and 37 missed calls.

Panic ran through my body so I quickly locked up the nursery and headed home to prepare my self for whatever rover was going to do for me.

I wanted this to end so badly but I know the chances of that are low. Who would want me? Siobhan serpent, the cold unlovable gold digging heartless girl who has no friends???

Sometimes I wonder if I should even bother trying. There's no point to be honest but before my grandma died, she told me that there's always a silver lining to all bad things.

Where is this silver lining that I need so badly???

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