chapter 49: bonding

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Third person pov:

Later that evening, when the party had quieted down and most of the guests had gone home, Marjorie found herself with a rare moment of peace. The twins, still buzzing with energy despite the long day, were now snuggled up on a blanket in the backyard with her and Reece. It was a quiet, intimate moment, away from the noise and excitement of the earlier celebrations.

Reece sat beside her, his arm comfortably draped around her shoulders as they watched the twins crawl around, Harper leading the way while Hailey followed closely behind, as always. The twins were content, exploring the soft grass with wide-eyed curiosity, occasionally glancing back at Marjorie and Reece for reassurance.

“You handled the girls like a pro today,” Reece said softly, his voice full of affection as he leaned in to kiss Marjorie’s temple.

Marjorie smiled, glancing at Harper and Hailey, who had become so attached to her over the past few weeks. “They’re easy to love,” she replied, her voice gentle. “They make it feel so natural.”

Reece nodded, watching the twins with a fond smile. “They adore you, Mar. It’s like they’ve decided you’re their second mom or something.”

Marjorie laughed quietly at that, her heart warming at the thought. “I don’t know about that, but I love being with them. They’re so sweet, so full of life.”

As if on cue, Harper crawled over and pulled herself up to Marjorie’s knee, babbling excitedly, while Hailey stayed close, peeking shyly at Reece. Marjorie bent down, scooping Harper into her lap, while Reece leaned down to give Hailey a soft pat on the back, making her giggle.

The four of them sat together in comfortable silence for a while, enjoying the calm after the busy day. The sky had turned a soft shade of pink as the sun set, casting a warm glow over the yard. It felt like a perfect moment—just the two of them and the twins, with no rush, no interruptions.

Reece smiled down at Hailey, who had now crawled over to his side and was inspecting his shoes with great interest. “I think they’re trying to wear us out,” he joked, lifting her gently into his arms.

Marjorie laughed, resting her head against Reece’s shoulder. “That’s okay. I don’t mind. Days like this, I don’t want to end.”

Reece kissed the top of her head, his heart full. “Me neither.”

As the twins settled down, their little bodies finally giving in to the day’s excitement, Marjorie and Reece shared a quiet, loving look, feeling grateful for the small, peaceful moments like this—just the two of them and the children they adored.

As the evening continued to soften around them, Harper began babbling excitedly in Marjorie’s lap. Her little hands waved in the air, and her eyes sparkled with energy, even though the day had been long. Marjorie smiled down at her, brushing a lock of hair away from Harper’s face as she leaned in closer, amused by the sounds spilling from the little girl’s mouth.

“Mar Mar,” Harper babbled, looking up at Marjorie with a huge grin, her words still unsteady but clear enough to tug at Marjorie’s heartstrings.

“Oh, there it is again,” Reece said with a soft laugh, his eyes shining with affection as he watched Harper. “She really loves calling you that, doesn’t she?”

Marjorie’s smile widened, her heart swelling with a mix of pride and tenderness. “I guess she does. I think it’s her favorite word now.”

Harper, hearing the laughter and attention, clapped her hands and repeated herself, more insistent this time. “Mar Mar!” she said, her little face lighting up, as if she was so proud to be communicating in her own way.

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